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Home Remedies for Common Diseases

Home Remedies for Common Diseases
Home Remedies for Common Diseases

Accumulation of toxins in the human body is root cause of all diseases. Toxins get absorbed in blood stream and cause all ailments. To stay free from diseases, we must detoxify the body by consuming fresh fruits or vegetable juice in the morning.

Here are some juice home remedies for common diseases.

Acne, Pimples

Sweet Lime (mausami), Cucumber, Marmelos, Papaya Juice.


Carrot, Beet, Lime, Orange Juice.


Lemon, Marmelos, Papaya and Cucumber Juice.


Apple, Sweet Lime, Carrot and Spinach Juice.


Fennel juice regulates menstrual flow.

Appetite Loss

Orance, Lemon, Marmelos, Tomato juice.


Narangi, Bitter Gourd, Neem and Lemon Juice.


Lemon Juice, Mausami (Sweet Lime), Tomato, Papaya, Marmelos.


Orange, Carrot, Beet, Spinach Juice.


Orange, Bitter-Gourd, Margosa Leaves, Carrot, Beet Juice.


Mausami (Sweet Lime), Bitter Gourd, Lemon, Margosa Leaves.


Mausami (Sweet Lime), Tomato, Papaya, Marmelos, Lemon.

Bites of Insects

Applying garlic juice to the affected part can give instant relief.

Bladder Trouble

Mausami (Sweet Lime), Cashew Nut, Lemon, Papaya and Marmelos Juice.

High Blood Pressure

Tomato, Marmelos, Papaya, Mausami (Sweet Lime) and Orange (Santara) juice. Wheat Grass juice is excellent remedy for Hight Blood Pressure.

Low Blood Pressure

Carrot, Beet, Spinach, Grape, Apple and Mausami (Sweet Lime) Juice.


Apply crushed potato juice on the burns and leave it bandaged for a day for prompt relief.

Boils and Abscess

Watermelon, Cucumber, Marmelos juice. Crush garlic juice can be applied locally on boils.


Carrot, Beet, Orange, Grape and Spinach Juice.


Whole body is required to be detoxified by consuming raw fruit juice like Mausami (Sweet Lime), Orange, Lemon, Pineapple.
Crushed garlic can be applied externally on the affected part in case of skin cancer.  

Cold and Cough

Mausami (Sweet Lime), Orange, Apple and Grape juice. Liquorice with honey can be useful. Ginger with tulsi leaves and honey can also be taken.


Mausami (Sweet Lime), Pineapple and lemon juice. Bael juice and papaya slices have excellent effect on bowels.

Loss of Memory

Lime, Orange, Grape, Lemon Juice.

Also Read: Benefits and Uses of Neem or Margosa


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