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Showing posts with the label Healthy Eating

Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Sapota or Chickoo

Sapota is another name for the fruit known as ‘chickoo’ or ‘chiku’. Sapota is basically the tropical evergreen tree that bears this fruit. Sapota is delicious and calorie rich fruit belonging to the category of fruits like mango, banana and jack fruit. Other names of Sapota are nose berry, sapodilla plum, chickoo sapote etc. Sapota has its origin in the rain forests of Central America, particularly in Mexico, Belize. But it is easily available in India. Sapota fruit is round or oval-shaped berry. It measures around 10 centimeter in diameter and weighs about 150 grams. It has 2-5 big, black, shiny bean like seeds in the centre. The unripe fruit has a hard surface and white pulp. As the fruit ripens its flesh achieves a brown color. Sapota or Chickoo has a smooth and grainy texture with a sweet and musky flavour. Chickoo contains simple sugars like fructose and sucrose that restore energy and revitalize the body. Sapota offers large benefits for skin, hair and health. Let...

Healthy Food – Benefits of Grapes for Skin, Hair and Health

Healthy Food – Benefits of Grapes for Skin, Hair and Health Grapes are tasty and also nutritious. They also act as mood boosting agents and are great for our health. From diabetes to cancer grapes can be used as an effective treatment. Scientific name for grapes is vitis vinifera. Grapes come in variety based on their colour i.e. Red, Green and Black/Blue. Grapes boost immunity as they contain vitamin C. They provide instant energy because of simple sugars present in them. They have antioxidants that are anti-inflammatory. Benefits of Grapes for Skin Grapes are good for our skin. Regular consumption of grapes can gives us smooth and supple skin. Protect Against Sunburns Grapes are a great remedy for sunburns. Fleshy part of grapes and the extract of their seeds contain proanthocyanidins and resveratrol that are powerful antioxidants. The application of grape seed extract on the skin gives protection against harmful ultraviolet radiation. Grapes act as a sunscr...

Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Sapota or Chickoo Juice

Health Benefits of Sapota or Chickoo Juice Image Credit: Sapota or Chickoo belongs to Sapotaceae family. Its scientific name is Manilkara zapota. It is native of Mexico, Central America and Caribbean. Other names of Sapota are Chicku, Iamoot, noseberry and sapoti. It has a grainy texture and light musky flavour. Cut the fruit into two and scoop the flesh out to make a refreshing juice. To enjoy its unique flavour enjoy it without any additions. Sapota fruit juice is also known as chikoo juice or sapodilla juice. It has amazing benefits. Chikoo Juice or Sapota Juice for Health Good Source of Essential Nutrients Sapota juice is packed with a number of essential nutrients. It contains huge amounts of vitamin A, B and C. It is good source of minerals like copper, niacin, iron, calcium and phosphorous. Treats Gastric and Bowel Disorders Chikoo juice contains compound called tannins. Tannins are naturally occurring polyphen...