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Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds
Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Image by ValeriaJa from Pixabay
Chia seeds are small in size but rich in important nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, iron and calcium.
Scientifically Chia seeds are known as Salvia Hispanica. Chia seeds are considered to be one of the few superfoods nature has given us. Chia seeds are known to be originated in Mexico.

Nutrition Facts of Chia Seeds

  • 100 grams of chia seeds contains 485 calories, 31 grams of fat and 42grams of carbohbydrates. Chia seeds have 18 of the 22 amino acids.

Benefits of Chia Seeds

Stimulate Weight Loss

Chia seeds are one of the best options for weight loss. Fiber in chia seeds promotes satiety and makes us feel full for longer periods of time. They absorb water in the stomach and then expand, thereby suppressing our appetite. This can lead to weight loss eventually.

Prevent Constipation

Chia seeds are packed with fiber, especially insoluble fiber. They turn into a gel when they come in contact with water. This aids bowel movements, thereby relieving constipation. Fiber also helps to improve digestion.

Regulate Blood Sugar Levels and Helps Prevent Diabetes

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, chia seeds is one of those food considered useful in diabetes treatment. Chia seeds were also found to improve the blood pressure levels in diabetics.
Chia seeds can be good for diabetics due to presence of omega-3 fatty acids that are known to be nutritionally important for treatment of the disease.

Fight Breast Cancer and Other Forms of Cancer

Chia seeds are a good source of Alpha-Linolenic acid, which can help prevent breast cancer. The same applies for omega-3 fatty acids.

Boost Energy and Metabolism

Chia seeds are packed with Vitamin B, Zinc, Iron and magnesium. All of them help boost energy.
We can add chia seeds to our favourite smooothie. Chia seeds boost our metabolism.

Can Be Used as a Workout Drink

Chia seeds can be used for sustaining energy as they contain omega-3. Chia seeds can provide protein that helps repair tissues when taken after workout.

Enhance Mood

Chia seeds can enhance mood upon regular consumption. As per a study, omega-3 fatty acids are associated with improved mood and behaviour. Consuming chia seeds can also help combat depression.

Also Read: Healthy Food - Health Benefits of Turmeric Milk , Benefits of Flax Seeds , Benefits of Sunflower Seeds , Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds


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