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Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Mint or Pudina

Health Benefits of Mint or Pudina
Health Benefits of Mint or Pudina

Image by Beverly Buckley from Pixabay
Mint is oldest herb which is used in cooking. It has remarkable medicinal properties. Indians are acquainted with its benefits so they use it in chutneys, raita and even garnish biryanis with mint.
According to certain Nutritionists and Health Practitioners, we should add mint to our diet in summers. It is cooling and helps digestion. It treats breathing disorders too.
It has very powerful antioxidant properties. Mint can manage blood sugar levels and treat skin conditions.
Mint is not only an ingredient in mocktail, chutney or raita but also has number of other benefits.

Health Benefits of Mint

Aids in Digestion

Menthol is active oil present in mint. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that relieve indigestion and also soothe an upset stomach. Mint works wonders for almost all digestive issues.

Treats Asthma

Mint brings soothing effect for asthmatic patients. It is full of anti inflammatory properties. It is a great relaxant and relieves congestion. However, it should be eaten in limits only.

Treats Common Cold

Mint can clear congestion of the nose, throat, bronchi and lungs. It has anti-inflammatory properties. It relieves irritation caused by chronic coughing.
If you are struggling from cold and difficulty in breathing, try mint. Vaporub and Inhalers often contain mint.

Cures Headache

Mint can help cure headaches. Its strong and refreshing aroma could help ease headaches. Balms with a mint base or basic mint oil can help cure headaches and nausea by rubbing them on forehead and nose.

Oral Care

Mint has germicidal properties. Chewing mint tablets or mint leaves could help freshen up breath instantly.
Mint prohibits bacterial growth inside the mouth and cleanses the plaque deposition on teeth. Many of the toothpastes available in market also come in mint base.

Aids Weight Loss

Mint can help in weight loss because of its digestive properties. It stimulates digestive enzymes, which eases absorption of nutrients from food.
Better absorption of nutrients lead to better metabolism. A faster metabolism helps in weight loss.

Improves Brain Power

According to studies consuming mint can increase alertness, retention and cognitive functions. Mint can rev up brain power.

Skin Care

Mint has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which works wonders on acne. It contains high content of salicylic acid which is excellent in combating acne. Mint leaves Juice works as an effective skin cleanser.
The high amount of antioxidants in mint also helps prevent free radical activity which gives clearer and youthful skin.

Mint Face Mask

We can use mint in form of face masks as well.
  • Make a combination of mint leaves and honey.
  • Apply on your skin. Leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water.

Helps Ease Symptoms of Morning Sickness and Nausea

Mint is an excellent remedy to treat nausea and morning sickness. Eating a few leaves or smelling some mint leaves in morning could help pregnant women to cope up with nauseous feeling.

Beats Stress and Depression

Strong and refreshing smell of Mint could help beat stress and rejuvenate mind. It has adaptogenic properties that help regulate cortisol levels and boost body’s natural resilience to stress.
By breathing aroma of mint our mind gets instantly calmed. According to studies, Mint also helps release small amount of serotonin in the brain that may help beat depression.
We can add mint to tea, use mint extract on a vaporiser or take a mint bath for immediate relief.
Have this refreshing herb in summer. Add it to your lassi, smoothies, and chutneys.


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