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Deep Breathing Exercise to lose Weight

Deep Breathing Exercise to lose Weight
Deep Breathing Exercise to lose Weight

Human body releases 70 per cent of the toxins through breathing.
Shallow breathing accumulates toxins in our body which can lead to health issues over time.
Belly fat is most stubborn and difficult to get rid of. It can lead to many health problems. People with fat in their abdominal region usually are at risk of heart attack, hypertension, diabetes and many others.
Along with proper diet breathing exercises can help to get rid of that unwanted belly fat quickly.
Breathing exercises keep us healthy and also help to eliminate fat present on top of abdominal muscles. Breathing exercises improve our digestion and metabolism.
Deep breathing exercises increase the supply of oxygen in our body. This extra oxygen supplied to our body help in burning the fat deposited in the body.  Breathing improves blood circulation and tones the abdominal muscles.

Diaphragm Breathing

Diaphragm breathing makes our abdominal muscles flexible. Engaging diaphragm while breathing increases lung capacity. Diaphragm Breathing is one of the best exercises for toning abs.

How to Do Diaphragm Breathing

Lie flat on the floor and watch your chest and stomach moving up and down while you breathe. Breathe deeper and deeper with each breath. It can be done any time of the day but not immediately after food.

Belly Breathing

Belly Breathing focuses on our diaphragm and the muscles below our lungs. This exercise boosts our stamina and energy. It is also said to cure anxiety problems.

How to do Belly Breathing

Sit or Lie down in a comfortable position. Relax yourself and do not think about anything. Place your hand on your stomach and thumb near the belly button. Your abdomen should expand while you do this exercise and not your chest. Stomach should come out when you breathe in and go in when you breathe out.

Mouth Breathing

Breathing through mouth pressurizes the abdominal muscles. This exercise helps to lose belly fat and it also gives a refreshed and relaxed feeling.
It helps to get rid of unwanted fat around belly but also tone our cheeks and chin.

How to do Mouth Breathing

Inhale through your mouth for count of 10. Now exhale through mouth again for a count of 20. This exercise can be done for 10 minutes three times a day.

Also Read: Kapalbhati Pranayam and Its Benefits


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