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Padmasana or Lotus Pose – How to do and its Benefits

Padmasana or Lotus Pose
Padmasana or Lotus Pose

Padmasana or Lotus Position is a cross-legged sitting asana originating in meditative practices of ancient India. People, who are suffering from stiff legs, knees, ankles etc., can overcome this discomfort by regular practice combined with patience and perseverance.

How to do Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

·         In Padmasana we have to place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh.
·         Position of heels is adjusted so that they are both pressing on the nearest part of the abdomen.
·         Hands are kept open and resting on the knees.
·         Keep palms in the air with tips of the index finger touching the thumb forming a small circle called Jnana Mudra. Index finger represents the individual soul and the thumb represents universal one. Union of the two symbolizes knowledge.
·         Hands can also rest flat on the knees.
·         Another position for hands can also be one on top of the other, palms in the air, with the back of the right hand inside the left hand. Hands naturally rest in the pit of the stomach below the navel.
·         Keep the head and spinal column straight without straining.

Advantages of Padmasana(Lotus Pose)

·         Padmasana develops physical and mental stability.
·         It calms the nerves.
·         It relieves the stiffness of knees and joints. Also it guards against rheumatism.
·         The abdominal region receives ample supply of blood from the point where abdominal aorta divides. The effect of this is to energize the coccyx region and the nerves of the sacrum. The whole body is kept in complete stability.

Practice of the Asanas

One should bear in mind during the execution of postures that the body must never be forced or fatigued.
The moment we feel the slightest of pain, it is a sign to stop. Each posture should be done patiently, slowly, carefully and gradually. We should not go too fast.
Older people can modify and simplify the posture as per individual needs. Yoga asanas should be practiced on an empty stomach.
If the yoga exercises are not performed as they should be or as advised, one will begin to feel uncomfortable and unwell after a few days. This is a sign of wrong way of practice of Yoga.
When the postures are correctly and properly done, they produce a feeling of lightness and well being physically and mentally. One has feeling of freshness that induces a state of total relaxation.


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