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Naukasana or Boat Pose – How to do, Benefits and Contraindications

Naukasana or Boat Pose - Step, Benefits, Contraindications
Naukasana or Boat Pose

Naukasana or Boat Pose – Steps, Benefits, Contraindications

Naukasana or Boat Pose is beneficial for mental health and overall health too. It helps to de-stress and rejuvenate. In Sanskrit ‘Nauka’ means boat and ‘Asana’ means posture. In this pose our body takes shape of a boat. It helps to reduce belly fat as well as tone abs. Naukasana or Boat Pose can be done both lying on stomach or back (supine position). With practice both ways can be performed. Let us see Naukasana or Boat Pose -  Steps, Benefits, Contraindications.

How to do Naukasana or Boat Pose

·         Lie down on a yoga mat with feet together and arms on sides.
·         Inhale. Lift chest and feet off ground. Stretch arms towards feet. Feel stretch in stomach area as abdominal muscles contract.
·         Weight of body should rest entirely on buttocks.
·         Try to bring eyes, fingers and toes in one line.
·         Hold Breath. Remain in this position for few seconds as per capacity.
·         Exhale slowly bringing down body to starting position. Relax for few seconds. Perform this exercise 3-4 times daily on empty stomach. Increase holding of posture for more time with practice.

Benefits of Naukasana or Boat Pose

·         Naukasana strengthens muscles of arms, thighs and shoulders.
·         It strengthens abdominal muscles.
·         It Improves health of all abdominal organs especially liver, pancreas and kidneys.
·         It helps to toughen muscles of neck, shoulder and legs.
·         It useful to people suffering from hernia.
·         It can help to reduce belly fat, if done on a regular basis.
·         It helps to improve and regulate digestion. Digestive system becomes efficient.
·         It helps reduce excessive gas and ease constipation.
·         With practice of this asana, sluggishness of stomach after pregnancy in women can be cured.
·         It is a good pose to release stress.
·         In this asana, Navel gets massaged. Hence, Navel displacement problem can be treated by practice of this asana. People suffering from navel displacement can also have constipation, stomach-ache and loss of appetite.

Contraindications of Naukasana or Boat Pose

·         Asthma and heart patients should not practice this pose.
·         People having low blood pressure, severe headache and migraine should not do this pose.
·         People suffering from spinal disorders, chronic disease should not practice it.
·         Pregnant women should avoid it. Do not practice it, during first two days of menstruation cycle.
       Also Read: Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose


  1. I want to wish for all health, wealth, happiness.

  2. I think walking or running can help more in weight loss


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