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Health Benefits of Jumping Rope

Benefits of Jumping Rope
Jumping Rope

We have all jumped rope in childhood. It is a fun exercise. As an adult we can take up jumping rope as an aerobic exercise. Let us see health benefits of jumping rope.
A jumping rope can be bought from nearby sports shop or online.

Benefits of Jumping Rope

Jumping Rope improves Coordination

Jumping rope improves coordination by making us focus on our feet.

Jumping Rope Decreases Foot and Ankle Injuries

Athletes who play football, tennis and other sports suffer from foot and ankle injuries from running, stopping quick and turning. Jumping rope increases strength in the muscles surrounding our ankle joint and foot. Thus, decreasing the chance of injury to those areas.

Burns Calories

30 minutes of jumping rope burns more calories than running. Ten minutes of jumping rope can be considered approximately equivalent of running an eight-minute mile.

Its Fun and can be taken anywhere

Jumping rope is a fun exercise and it can be carried anywhere. It can be taken to office also. We can play jumping rope games with our family, friends, colleagues. We can jump high, low. A competition of count of jumps is fun.

Jumping Improves Bone Density

Jumping up and down is best exercise to improve bone density as per one researcher who has studied the bones of elderly and of athletes.

Jumping rope Improves Cardiovascular Health

Jumping rope is highly recommended for aerobic conditioning. Heart and lung health can be increased by skipping rope daily 12 to 20 minutes 5 times a week.

Jumping rope Improves Breathing Efficiency

Jumping rope improves heart health, stamina and breathing efficiency.

Jumping Rope Increases Smartness

As per Jump Rope Institutue, jumping rope helps in development of the left and right hemispheres of our brian. This further increase reading skills, memory and makes us more mentally alert.

Jumping Rope Improves Ability to Stay Calm

Jumping rope is a workout of brain and body at the same time. Boxers who jump rope are calmer than those who don’t. Jumping rope can help us to be calmer in situations as we synchronize body and mind while practicing.

Heavy Jump Ropes

Usually we use average jump ropes. Heavy jump ropes are also now introduced in the market.

Benefits of Heavy Weight Ropes

·         Fat burning is more because more muscle groups are engaged.
·         Mental component is increased because of increased level of fatigue.
·         Heavy ropes increase strength and power.
We can use both the types of ropes light and heavy to take the advantage of a full workout.

Source : ,             

Also Read  Health Benefits of Walking


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