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Hakini Mudra to Increase Brain Power

Hakini Mudra is also called as mudra for the mind. In Sanskrit Hakini means ‘power’ or ‘rule’ and mudra means ‘seal’ or ‘gesture’.
Hakini Mudra to Increase Brain Power
Hakini Mudra

How to do Hakini Mudra

  • Bring palms in front of the body facing each other.
  • Touch tips of left hand fingers with tips of right hands fingers.
  • Focus on the third eye chakra between the eyebrows.
  • Inahle and place the tounge against the roof of the mouth. While exhaling relax the tongue.
  • Repeat this for several minutes.

Benefits of Hakini Mura

  • Hakini Mudra boosts memory power, increases concentration and energizes the brain.
  • It coordinates the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
  • It promotes calmness.
  • It develops one’s connection with the third eye chakra and promotes intuition.

Duration of Hakini Mudra Practice

  • It can be practiced 45 minutes at stretch or 3 sets of 15 minutes each.


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