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Health Benefits of Holy Basil or Tulsi and its Uses

Holy Basil or Tulsi

Health Benefits of Holy Basil or Tulsi and its Uses
Holy Basil or Tulsi
Photo by Priyanshu Katiyar from Pexels

Tulsi is a sacred plant in India and throughout the world. There are wonderful medicinal and purifying qualities present in essential volatile oils in the leaves, stem and roots of Tulsi Plant. It is grown almost all over the world. In India plant of Holy Basil or Tulsi is kept in almost every house and is also worshipped. Let us see benefits of Holy Basil or Tulsi and its uses.
Usually the plant of Tulsi is 1-2 ft. high. It has fragrant small oval shaped leaves, flat seeds, red in colour, flowers blossoming on inflorescence (manjari).

Benefits of Holy Basil or Tulsi

·         It is mildly pungent. It works as an appetiser and helps in digestion.
·         It is useful to heart, suppresses excessive bile, cough and flatulence, removes blood impurities.
·         All the parts of Tulsi Plant i.e. seed, leaves, flowers, stem and even the roots have medicinal value. They are helpful in eradicating diseases.

Uses of Holy Basil or Tulsi


·         Take 1 tsp. tulsi juice with little black pepper and honey 4 times a day. It cures malaria.
·         Decoction made from roots of tulsi mixed with sugar taken 3 to 4 times a day cures malaria.
·         Make a decoction of 6-8 tulsi leaves, one cardamom and little ginger. Take it regularly as preventive measure against malaria.

Cold and Cough

·         Take 10 tulsi leaves and 5 seeds of black pepper. Boil it in a cup of hot water till it is reduced to half cup. Mix it with little jaggery or clarified butter or black salt. It helps in curing cold and cough.
·         3-4 drops of tulsi juice mixed with mother’s milk helps in curing diarrhoea, cough, vomiting, indigestion in an infant.
·         Sniffing powder of tulsi leaves dried in shade helps in curing running nose.
·         Heat 5 cloves and chew it with tulsi leaves. It helps to lessen cough and cold.
·         Taking 1 teaspoon of tulsi juice mixed with little peppal powder and double quantity of mishri (rock sugar) powder relieves dry cough, fever and pain in chest.
·         Taking 1 tsp. of tulsi juice mixed with little powder of saunf (fennel seeds), black pepper, peepal and honey twice a day relieves cough and cold.
·         Taking juice of ginger and tulsi in equal quantity mixed with honey cures cold and cough. It acts as a general tonic.

Problems of Digestion

·         Take 1 tsp. of tulsi juice with water cures indigestion. It relieves stomach ache.
·         Eating tulsi leaves with sugar or decoction of tulsi leaves helps in curing diarrhoea.
·         Take 1 teaspoon of juice of tulsi leaves or tulsi juice mixed with powdered cardamom and honey. It relieves nausea and vomiting.
·         Taking juice of tulsi, onion and ginger in equal proportion relieves excessive bile.
·         Taking 1 teaspoon of tulsi juice 3 times a day kills worms in the intestines.
·         Taking tulsi juice with ginger, black pepper powder and sendha namak (black salt) relieves flatulence and indigestion.


·         Applying tulsi juice mixed with camphor on forehead relieves headache.


·         Keep Tulsi juice with little pepper in a bottle and smell daily. It relieves attacks of hysteria and rejuvenates the brain.


·         Tulsi leaves and ajwain (carom seeds) kept under the pillow induces sleep.


·         Drop of tulsi juice mixed with a pinch of salt put in nose helps in regaining consciousness.

Ear Problems

·         Drop of juice of Vana Tulsi in ear helps in extracting worm from the ear.
·         In case of pus and ache in ear a drop of lukewarm tulsi may be put in.

Uterine Problems

·         In case of excessive bleeding eat powder made of tulsi root with betel (pan).
·         Tulsi seeds taken at the time of menopause relieves disturbances due to menopause.
·         For ensuring conception chew tulsi seeds or take powdered seeds with water during periods.
·         Tulsi juice reduces labour pain.


·         Tulsi, ginger and onion juice mixed with honey helps in taking out phlegm and relieves asthma.

Rheumatic Pain

·         Boil tulsi leaves in water. Pour it on affected part. It relieves rheumatic pain.
·         Taking ground tulsi leaves with black pepper and pure ghee helps in healing the disease.

Other Use

·         Make a paste of Tulsi leaves and amla powder with water. Apply on hair to strengthen roots and darken hair.
Tulsi is a highly useful source of energy and general tonic for all.
·         Swallowing five leaves with water early in the morning increases physical strength, mental faculties and imparts glow on face.
·         8 drops of tulsi juice taken with water strengthens muscles and bones. Tulsi seeds boiled with milk imparts vigour and vitality.
·         Deep breathing (Pranayam) in the vicinity of tulsi plants prevents many diseases.

Skin Diseases

·         Applying tulsi juice mixed with lemon juice in equal proportion on the affected area cures itching, pimples, blackspots, acne and other skin diseases.


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