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Vajrasana for Weight Loss and Stomach Issues

Vajrasana for Weight Loss and Stomach Issues

Vajrasana for Weight Loss and Stomach Issues

Vajra means diamond and asana means pose. People who sit in this asana have a steady firm pose. It is also known as Thuderbolt Pose, Diamond Pose, Kneeling Pose or Pelvic Pose.
Most of the asanas are done on an empty stomach. Vajrasana can be performed immediately even after eating. It can be done in Vayu Mudra also. It aids proper digestion.
Vajarasana helps us melt belly fat. Vajrasana can be practiced daily for 15-20 minutes. Even people who are slim can practice it to maintain their figure.

How to do Vajrasana

  • Take a Yoga Mat. Sit over your heels. Your buttocks should be on the heels and thighs on the calf muscles. It you are uncomfortable sitting down or yoga mat is not available, do it on the bed.
  • Sit straight with your head facing forward. Your hands should be on your knees or in Vayu Mudra.
  • Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Observe air coming in and going out of your body.
  • Practice this position for 5-10 minutes in the beginning. Gradually increase upto 20-30 minutes.


  • If you have knee problem or have history of knee injury or have undergone knee surgery, do not practice Vajrasana.
  • You can practice vajrasana if you are pregnant. Keep your knees apart. Be alert not to stress your abdomen.
  • If your leg aches while practising this pose, undo the asana and stretch your legs. Massage your ankles, knees and calf muscles with hand. This alleviates the muscles and pain dissolves gradually.

Benefits of Vajrasana

  • By practicing Vajrasana daily, blood circulation becomes better in the body. Blood flow is increased to the digestive organs. So digestive system becomes better. A good digestive system helps in acidity and ulcers.
  • Vajrasana can help people with sciatica and lower back pain when practiced regularly.
  • By practicing Vajrasana regularly lower body becomes flexible, sexual organs become strong. It also tones lower body muscles like hips, thighs, calves. It stretches Knee, Hip, Thigh and Ankle.
  • Vajrasana cures joint pains, urinary problems, constipation, stomach disorders, digestive problems and acidity also.
  • Regular practice of Vajrasana can help lose weight and belly fat. A few weeks of practice can show the difference.
  • Practice of Vajrasana calms mind and relaxes the nerves. Do slow and rhythmic breathing in Vajrasana to achieve a meditative state.
  • Vajrasana strengthens back and leg.
Also Read : Apana Mudra for Digestion and Detoxification


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