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Benefits and Uses of Neem or Margosa

Benefits and Uses of Neem or Margosa
Benefits and Uses of Neem or Margosa

Neem or Indian lilac or Azadirachta indica, is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae. It is native to Indian subcontinent. Neem oil is made from fruits and seeds of Neem. Here are many benefits and uses of Neem or Margosa.

Benefits and Uses of Neem or Margosa

Benefits of Neem

·         Neem is antiseptic in nature. It has cool and soothing effect. It is blood and air purifier too.
·         It helps in removing digestive problems, cough, cold, fever and other physical ailments.
·         Its rind, leaves, wood, flowers, fruits have great medicinal and therapeutic properties.
·         Margosa has contributed in manufacture of various Ayurvedic, Unani and Allopathic drugs.
·         Bark of neem purifies the blood. It suppresses ill effects of wind, bile and phlegm.
·         The oil extract of neem is very useful in imparting energy and is a great antiseptic. The oil extracted from its ripe, yellow flowers known as Margosa oil is beneficial for curing Arthritis, Leprosy, Leucoderma and other skin diseases.
·         Neem soap is a great antiseptic, which cleans the body of all external impurities.
·         Neem is an insecticide, which destroys and kills germs, insects. Dry Neem leaves in the cupboard or boxes protects the clothes, books etc from worms and other insects.
·         Neem’s tender twigs used as toothbrush are beneficial to keep gums and teeth strong and shining, free from bad odour and pyrorrhoea.
·         Neem wood is used for making furniture.
·         Neem tree is a natural air purifier, which wards off foul gases and gives oxygen.

Uses of Neem (Margosa) for various diseases


Dropping one or two drops of fresh neem leaves in the nostrils cures headache.


Applying neem oil on the bald portion preferably at night and washing head in the morning stops the falling of hair and helps in their growth.

Falling Hair and Grey Hair

Boil neem and beri or only neem leaves in water. Washing the hair with this water stops falling of hair and helps them to grow. It also keeps them black and lustrous. It is also useful to kill lice present in the hair.
(Precaution This water should not enter in eyes).
·         Apply paste of leaves of beri and neem in proportion of 2:1 on the head. Washing after 6-8 hours stops hair falling and make them soft, shiny.
·         Applying neem tel or oil helps stop falling and greying of hair and makes them black and soft. (Grind neem leaves with water and strain it. Mix sarson ka tel (Mustard Oil) and extract juice of neem in equal quantity. Boil it on low flame till all the water evaporates. After cooling store in a bottle for use).

Dental Troubles

·         Dry the branch of neem tree with leaves in shade. Burn it. Grind it with little peppermint and cloves. Strain it through a cloth. This powder strengthens the gums, teeth and checks bad smell.
·         Boil fresh new neem leaves in water. Drink and gargle with this water. This stops dental decay and pain in the teeth.


Gargles with neem juice mixed with few drops of lukewarm honey cures cough trouble.

Digestive and Stomach Ailments

·         Take 10 gms of powder made by grinding rind of neem, dry ginger and black pepper. Strain it through a fine cloth. Drinking this powder with water in morning for 3 days cures acidity problem.
·         Grind 20 neem leaves, 2 cloves, 3 seeds of black pepper with little sugar. Have this mixture with water twice a day for 2 to 3 days. This cures indigestion.
·         Boil 100 gms. of neem leaves in 250 ml. water and strain it. Drinking this neem water 2 or 3 times a day helps in regaining normal appetite.


Boil 10gms. neem leaves in water early in the morning. Rinse the mouth with this water while it is hot. This cures constipation.


Grind 25 gms of neem leaves. Mix it with 125 ml. water and strain it. Drinking this water cures nausea and vomiting.


·         Grind 10 leaves of neem with Rock Sugar. Take it with water to stop diarrhoea especially in summer.
·         Swallow powdered neem seed and sugar with water. This controls loose motions.


·         Take 10 gms of juice of neem leaves in the morning. It helps in curing Dysentery.
·         Heat the juice of neem leaves on fire. Cool and Strain it. Taking this decoction cures dysentery.


·         Chewing few neem leaves helps in eliminating fatigue.
·         Eating chutney of neem leaves with little honey in it removes fatigue and imparts energy.

Itching and Other Skin Ailments

·         Take 20 gms of juice of fresh neem leaves 2 or 3 times a day. It cures itching caused by impurity of blood.
·         Soak ground neem leaves and flower, if available in water overnight. Strain it. Take 30 gms of this juice with honey. This cures all impurities of blood.
·         Apply paste of neem leaves mixed with curd on affected part cures ringworm.
·         Boil water with neem leaves. Bathing with this water helps in curing various skin disease. Also drink 5gms juice of fresh neem leaves.
·         Take fresh juice of neem leaves regularly. This stops pimples and acne. Applying paste of neem rind or neem oil cures pimples and acne.

Urinary Problems

·         Take about 20-30 gms of juice of root of sweet neem. Drinking this regularly cures urinary obstruction and burning.


·         Take 60 gms ground neem leaves, 4-5 black pepper seeds and mix with 120ml. of water. Taking this water twice a day works as preventive against malaria.
·         Massaging the scalp and hair with neem oil is also useful.

Chronic Fever

·         Boil 500ml water with 21 neem leaves and 21 black pepper seeds till the water remains 125ml. Taking this water twice a day cures chronic fever.


·         Boil 40 gms. rind of neem in 100 ml of water till 30ml. is left. Strain it. Drink this decoction in the morning before breakfast. It eliminiates sugar count in the urine.


·         Massage the affected portion with oil extracted from seeds of neem. This invigorates the dead muscles and tissues.


·         Take 10 gms. grounded leaves, 4-5 black pepper seeds and water in the morning regularly. It helps in eliminating the disease.

Also Read : Home Remedies for Common Diseases


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