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Healthy Food – Semolina or Suji for Weight Loss

Healthy Food – Semolina or Suji for Weight Loss
Healthy Food – Semolina or Suji for Weight Loss

Image by aking1000 on Pixabay
Semolina or Suji is one of the best healthy grains used in Indian dishes. It is used in breakfast dishes and even desserts.
Semolina or Suji is made from rough, coarsely ground whole wheat and hence is healthier than our refined wheat preparations.
Semolina or Suji dishes are mid meal snacks as they are light on stomach and easily digestible. It is great pick if you are on a diet and want to replace your flour with a healthier alternative.
Semolina can help to lose weight. It is used in a number of dishes from pancakes to cakes and is also frequently used in pastas and porridges.

Benefits of Eating Semolina or Suji

Boosts Energy

The healthy carbohydrates in whole wheat are good for boosting energy.

Rich in Iron

Semolina is rich in iron. It can help prevent its deficiency.  Iron rich foods can help in improving blood circulation as well.
As per USDA, 100 gram of semolina contains 1.23 mg of iron.

Boosts Bone Health

Semolina flour contains calcium which is great for boosting bone health.
As per USDA data, a 100 gram of unenriched suji flour contains 17 mg of calcium.

Maintain Health of Nervous System

Semolina can help to maintain a healthy nervous system because it contains magnesium, zinc and phosphorus.
As per USDA data 100gm of semolina contains 47mg magnesium, 1.05mg zinc and 136mg of phosphorus.

Contains no cholesterol

According to the USDA nutrition facts Semolina contains no cholesterol. So it can be consumed frequently. It is a healthy grain.

Semolina for Weight Loss

According to USDA data a 100 gram of unenriched semolina contains just about 360 calories and zero cholesterol.
It you want to eat semolina for weight loss, buy the one made from refined flour. Buy semolina which doesn’t have much fibre in it or it may be made from whole wheat. This is much healthier.
It is suggested to consume semolina with either a protein source like milk or pairing with vegetables.
Semolina can help in weight loss, if we prepare healthy snacks from it and pair it with protein rich and fibre rich foods. Weight loss can be achieved by healthy diet and physical activities both.


  1. I am attracting abundance of peace love and happiness
    I am attracting abundance of health wealth and happiness
    I am healthy i am wealthy I am happy
    Day by Day I am becomming more and more healthy.
    Day by Day I am becoming more and more happy
    I am peaceful I am Loveful I am Happy
    Every Day in every way I am becoming more and more healthy wealthy and happy
    I am brave I am strong I am powerful I am Fearless
    I am grateful for everything
    I am fortunate to have everything
    I am creative i am innovative I am genious
    I thank you i love you
    Every day in every way i am becoming better and better


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