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Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Sapota or Chickoo Juice

Health Benefits of Sapota or Chickoo Juice Image Credit: Sapota or Chickoo belongs to Sapotaceae family. Its scientific name is Manilkara zapota. It is native of Mexico, Central America and Caribbean. Other names of Sapota are Chicku, Iamoot, noseberry and sapoti. It has a grainy texture and light musky flavour. Cut the fruit into two and scoop the flesh out to make a refreshing juice. To enjoy its unique flavour enjoy it without any additions. Sapota fruit juice is also known as chikoo juice or sapodilla juice. It has amazing benefits. Chikoo Juice or Sapota Juice for Health Good Source of Essential Nutrients Sapota juice is packed with a number of essential nutrients. It contains huge amounts of vitamin A, B and C. It is good source of minerals like copper, niacin, iron, calcium and phosphorous. Treats Gastric and Bowel Disorders Chikoo juice contains compound called tannins. Tannins are naturally occurring polyphen...