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TSE Mudra or Adi Mudra to Increase Positive Emotions

TSE Mudra or Adi Mudra


Stress has affected life of adults and children around the globe. People suffering from it find it difficult to spend their days happily.  Office deadlines, pressure to perform, exams, demands at home can cause stress.
Stress can lead to depression and even suicidal thoughts or attempts. Tse Mudra or Adi Mudra can help to overcome stress.
TSE mudra or Adi Mudra is also known as anti-depression mudra. It also helps in removing anxiety.
Practice of TSE Mudra can help attract good luck in our lives.

Signs of Stress and Pressure

Signals that we are suffering from stress are
  • Not Sleeping at all or sleeping too much
  • Constant worry, anxiety or short temperedness
  • Wanting to stay alone and finding comfort in it
  • Feeling light headed
  • Rapid heartbeat
There are various ways to combat stress like doing Meditation, Morning Walk, Yoga, Workout, Hand Mudras, Pranayam, Breathing Exercises, Listening Music, Singing, dancing, humming etc. All these activities can help to release stress in body and brain.

Meaning of TSE Mudra

Mudra is a hand gesture. We have to apply moderate pressure on certain points of our fingers to activate different energy pathways and chakras in our body. TSE Mudra is also known as three secrets mudra or Adi Mudra.

How to Perform TSE Mudra

  • Sit on a yoga mat on the floor. If you cannot sit on floor, sit on bed.
  • Stretch your arms and place them on your thighs.
  • Place the tip of thumb on the root of little finger.
  • Close your fist and encircle the thumb with other four fingers of your hand.
  • Close your eyes and breathe in slowly chanting “Om” mentally. Initially chant one time and later on extend up to seven “Om” counts. Hold your breath for few seconds as much is comfortable.
  • Feel vibrations of OM in your ears.
  • Now exhale slowly.
  • Open your hands and let the stress and worries leave your body through your palms.
  • This Mudra can be performed 7 to 9 times a day.
There are no restrictions to this mudra. People of all age can do this mudra. It is easiest way to get rid of stress and can be done anywhere.

Benefits of TSE Mudra

  • TSE mudra helps to fight anxiety and stress.
  • It brings alertness and intuitiveness in practitioner
  • It removes feeling of fear, anger, and irritation. Thus helping us to perform better.
  • As the negative emotions get drained out of the body, it helps in enhancing magnetism and aura.
  • TSE Mudra improves functioning of our Kidneys and Bladder.
  • TSE Mudra helps to improve mental health by relieving stress. Thus making person feel at ease with ownself and surroundings also.
  • This Mudra helps overcome miseries, sadness and even turn away bad luck.
There are no side effects of doing TSE mudra. It can be done anywhere while walking, talking. Taking deep breaths while performing this mudra can give better results.
Drink lot of water and do walking also along with practice of TSE mudra. This can help to overcome stress quickly.
TSE Mudra or Adi Mudra can help to increase happiness as it reduces negative emotions.


  1. Take a deep breath in and repeat your favourite positive thought


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