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Showing posts with the label Weight Loss

Naukasana or Boat Pose – How to do, Benefits and Contraindications

Naukasana or Boat Pose Naukasana or Boat Pose – Steps, Benefits, Contraindications Naukasana or Boat Pose is beneficial for mental health and overall health too. It helps to de-stress and rejuvenate. In Sanskrit ‘Nauka’ means boat and ‘Asana’ means posture. In this pose our body takes shape of a boat. It helps to reduce belly fat as well as tone abs. Naukasana or Boat Pose can be done both lying on stomach or back (supine position). With practice both ways can be performed. Let us see Naukasana or Boat Pose -  Steps, Benefits, Contraindications. How to do Naukasana or Boat Pose ·          Lie down on a yoga mat with feet together and arms on sides. ·          Inhale. Lift chest and feet off ground. Stretch arms towards feet. Feel stretch in stomach area as abdominal muscles contract. ·          Weight of body should rest entirely on buttocks...

Deep Breathing Exercise to lose Weight

Deep Breathing Exercise to lose Weight Human body releases 70 per cent of the toxins through breathing. Shallow breathing accumulates toxins in our body which can lead to health issues over time. Belly fat is most stubborn and difficult to get rid of. It can lead to many health problems. People with fat in their abdominal region usually are at risk of heart attack, hypertension, diabetes and many others. Along with proper diet breathing exercises can help to get rid of that unwanted belly fat quickly. Breathing exercises keep us healthy and also help to eliminate fat present on top of abdominal muscles. Breathing exercises improve our digestion and metabolism. Deep breathing exercises increase the supply of oxygen in our body. This extra oxygen supplied to our body help in burning the fat deposited in the body.  Breathing improves blood circulation and tones the abdominal muscles. Diaphragm Breathing Diaphragm breathing makes our abdominal muscles flexible. En...

Healthy Food – Semolina or Suji for Weight Loss

Healthy Food – Semolina or Suji for Weight Loss Image by aking1000 on Pixabay Semolina or Suji is one of the best healthy grains used in Indian dishes. It is used in breakfast dishes and even desserts. Semolina or Suji is made from rough, coarsely ground whole wheat and hence is healthier than our refined wheat preparations. Semolina or Suji dishes are mid meal snacks as they are light on stomach and easily digestible. It is great pick if you are on a diet and want to replace your flour with a healthier alternative. Semolina can help to lose weight. It is used in a number of dishes from pancakes to cakes and is also frequently used in pastas and porridges. Benefits of Eating Semolina or Suji Boosts Energy The healthy carbohydrates in whole wheat are good for boosting energy. Rich in Iron Semolina is rich in iron. It can help prevent its deficiency.  Iron rich foods can help in improving blood circulation as well. As per USDA, 100 gram of semolina contain...

Vajrasana for Weight Loss and Stomach Issues

Vajrasana Vajrasana Vajra means diamond and asana means pose. People who sit in this asana have a steady firm pose. It is also known as Thuderbolt Pose, Diamond Pose, Kneeling Pose or Pelvic Pose. Most of the asanas are done on an empty stomach. Vajrasana can be performed immediately even after eating. It can be done in Vayu Mudra also. It aids proper digestion. Vajarasana helps us melt belly fat. Vajrasana can be practiced daily for 15-20 minutes. Even people who are slim can practice it to maintain their figure. How to do Vajrasana Take a Yoga Mat. Sit over your heels. Your buttocks should be on the heels and thighs on the calf muscles. It you are uncomfortable sitting down or yoga mat is not available, do it on the bed. Sit straight with your head facing forward. Your hands should be on your knees or in Vayu Mudra. Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Observe air coming in and going out of your body. Practice this position for 5-10 minutes in the b...