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Showing posts with the label Yoga

Super Brain Yoga to Improve Brain Health

Super Brain Yoga Super Brain Yoga to Improve Brain Health Super Brain Yoga is simple squatting exercise and it improves our mental health. It is also known as Thoppukarnam. One of research done by Dr Joie P. Jones of University of California proved authenticity of Super Brain Yoga. His research showed that its practice effectively activated acupuncture points on our ears that stimulate our mind. One research was conducted in 2014 in India studied effect of Super Brain Yoga or Thoppukaranam on selective attention and psychological states. Its findings concluded that Super Brain Yoga or Thoppukaranam results in enhancement of cognitive functioning and psychological states. Super Brain Yoga is perfect for adults working on brain wellness. It can cure other development challenges and cognitive delays. Regular practice of Super Brain Yoga helps to rise the energy trapped in lower parts of body to brain. This results in improving intelligence and creativity. How to do Super...

Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath – How to do, Benefits, Precautions

Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath – How to do, Benefits, Precautions In India Black Bee is called as Brahmari. Pranayam means control of breath. In this breathing technique, we have to produce a bee like humming sound. Hence it is named as Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath. Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath helps to calm down the mind. It is one of best breathing exercise to free our mind from agitation, frustration, anxiety and anger to a great extent. It is also useful to cure sleep disorders. People who cannot sleep at night can do Brahmari Pranayama before going to bed for a restful sleep. Brahmari Pranayam or Humming Bee Breath helps to calm nerves and soothes them especially around brain and forehead. Vibrations of humming sound have a calming effect on mind and body. How to do Brahmari Pranayam or Humming Bee Breath ·          Sit in a quiet, well ventilated ...

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose – How to do, Benefits, Contraindications

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose  Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose – Steps, Benefits, Contraindications Adho means forward, Mukha means Face, Svana means Dog and Asana means Pose. This pose replicates a dog bending forward. Hence it is called as downward facing dog pose. It is an inversion pose. It is one of poses in Surya Namaskar. It should be included in daily part of yoga practice. It can be practiced by beginner too. How to do Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose ·          Warm up calves and arms properly before performing this pose. ·          Come onto fours and form a table position. Back will form top of table. Hands and feet will form legs of table. ·          Breathe out and lift hips up. Straighten knees and elbows. Form an inverted V-shape with body. ·      ...

Naukasana or Boat Pose – How to do, Benefits and Contraindications

Naukasana or Boat Pose Naukasana or Boat Pose – Steps, Benefits, Contraindications Naukasana or Boat Pose is beneficial for mental health and overall health too. It helps to de-stress and rejuvenate. In Sanskrit ‘Nauka’ means boat and ‘Asana’ means posture. In this pose our body takes shape of a boat. It helps to reduce belly fat as well as tone abs. Naukasana or Boat Pose can be done both lying on stomach or back (supine position). With practice both ways can be performed. Let us see Naukasana or Boat Pose -  Steps, Benefits, Contraindications. How to do Naukasana or Boat Pose ·          Lie down on a yoga mat with feet together and arms on sides. ·          Inhale. Lift chest and feet off ground. Stretch arms towards feet. Feel stretch in stomach area as abdominal muscles contract. ·          Weight of body should rest entirely on buttocks...

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose - How to do, its Benefits

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose Step 1 Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose Step 2 Bhujangasana is part of the Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar. Bhujang means Cobra and Asana means Posture. So it is called as Bhujangasana. This pose resembles a serpent with its hood raised. How to do Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose Lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor. Forehead should be resting on the ground. Keep your legs close together. Feet and heels lightly touch each other. Place your hands (palms downwards) under your shoulders. Keep your elbows parallel and close to your torso. Take a deep breath in. Slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen keeping your navel on the floor. Pull your torso back and off the floor with support of your hands. Keep breathing with awareness. Try to straighten your arms by arching your back as much as possible. Tilt your head back and look up. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Bend your elbows if required. With regular practice you can deepen the st...

Cat Pose or Marjariasana – Its Benefits and How to do it

Cat Pose or Marjariasana – Its Benefits and How to do it Marjari means cat. Asana means Pose. So, this pose is called as Cat Pose. Cat Pose or Marjariasana Step 1 Cat Pose or Marjariasana step 2 Cat Pose or Marjariasana step 3 Cat Pose or Marjariasana step 4 How to do Cat Pose or Marjariasana ·          Put your knees, feet and hands on the ground. Form a table. Back should form a table top like position. Hands and feet form the legs of table. ·          Keep arms perpendicular to floor. Hands should be directly under the shoulders and flat on the ground. Keep knees hip width apart. ·          Look straight. Raise you chin and tilt your head upwards. Push your back downwards. ·          Hold this pose for 6-8 seconds. Take long deep breaths. ·         ...

Health Benefits of Ushtrasana or Camel Pose

Health Benefits of Ushtrasana or Camel Pose Ushtrasana or Camel Pose ‘Ushtra’ means Camel in Sanskrit and Asana means ‘Pose’. In this pose almost all the limbs of the body are arched like those of a camel. So, it is called as Ushtrasana. It is a backward bending pose. This asana belongs to the category of kneeling poses. It can be practiced by beginner and intermediate level practioners. Let us see the benefits of Ushtrasana or Camel Pose and how to do it. How to do Ushtrasana or Camel Pose ·          Sit in Vajrasana. Kneel on the yoga mat. ·          Keep about fifteen cms distance between the heels. ·          Breathe deeply. Arch backwards. Hold the right ankles firmly with the right hand and the left ankles with the left hand. If you cannot touch your ankles, just keep the hands on the hips. Alternately keep pillows below knees so that hands ...