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Showing posts from January, 2020

Benefits of Setubandhasana or Bridge Pose

Benefits of Setubandhasana or Bridge Pose Setubandhasana or Bridge Pose Setu means Bridge, Bandha means ‘Bind’ or ‘Lock’, Asana means ‘Pose’ or ‘Posture’. This asana resembles a bridge, so it is called as ‘Bridge Pose’ or ‘SetuBandhasana’. It is an easy pose to practice. People of any age can practice this pose. Let us see Benefits of Setubandhasana or Bridge Pose. Benefits of Setubandhasana or Bridge Pose ·          It cures diseases of loins and thighs. ·          It gives exercise to shoulders, neck, elbows and hands. Constant practice of this asana strengthens them. ·          It forces out excess of gases and cures indigestion. ·          Practice of this asana makes spine flexible and active. ·          It calms the brain, reduces stress, anxiety and depression....

Health Benefits of Ushtrasana or Camel Pose

Health Benefits of Ushtrasana or Camel Pose Ushtrasana or Camel Pose ‘Ushtra’ means Camel in Sanskrit and Asana means ‘Pose’. In this pose almost all the limbs of the body are arched like those of a camel. So, it is called as Ushtrasana. It is a backward bending pose. This asana belongs to the category of kneeling poses. It can be practiced by beginner and intermediate level practioners. Let us see the benefits of Ushtrasana or Camel Pose and how to do it. How to do Ushtrasana or Camel Pose ·          Sit in Vajrasana. Kneel on the yoga mat. ·          Keep about fifteen cms distance between the heels. ·          Breathe deeply. Arch backwards. Hold the right ankles firmly with the right hand and the left ankles with the left hand. If you cannot touch your ankles, just keep the hands on the hips. Alternately keep pillows below knees so that hands ...

Health Benefits and Uses of Ajwain or Carom Seeds

Benefits and Uses of Awain or Carom Seeds Image by  IngoNeumann  from  Pixabay   Carom Seeds are also known as Ajwain, Ajowan Caraway, Ajowan. Its scientific name is Trachyspermum ammi. Its leaves and seeds like fruit both are consumed by humans. Its smell is like anise and oregano. It is pungent and bitter in taste. Benefits and Uses of Ajwain or Carom Seeds are many in daily life. Let us see them. Benefits and Uses of Ajwain or Carom Seeds Benefits of Ajwain or Carom Seeds ·          It is a great stiumant. ·          It is carminative. ·          It is antispasmodic. ·          It is germicidal. ·          It is antiseptic. ·          It is digestive. ·       ...

Healthy Food – Lemon and Its Uses

Lemon and Its Uses Image Credit : RichardJohn on Pixabay Lemon juice is sour in taste. It quenches thirst, helps in digestion, increases perspiration, cleans kidneys. It acts as diuretic, cures diseases of elementary canals, purifies blood, imparts strength to the heart and controls bile, cough and wind. Let us see Lemon and its uses. Lemon and Its Uses Digestive Problem Lemon Juice taken early in the morning with lukewarm water helps in comfortable cleansing of bowels and thereby increases the appetite. Cold Lemon Juice taken in warm water with little salt helps in curing running nose. Nausea Lemon juice taken with little salt (black), powdered black pepper, cumin and ajwain or carom in a glass of water relieves nausea. Headache Lemon Juice taken in tea (without milk and sugar) relieves headache. Obesity Lemon Juice taken in lukewarm water early in the morning reduces obesity. General Tonic Lemon juice in fresh water with honey strengthens body, h...

Health Benefits of Simhasana or Lion Pose

Health Benefits of Simhasana In Sanskrit Simha means ‘Lion’ and Asana means ‘Pose’. So, in this pose we must take out a roar sound like a ‘Lion’. It is very simple and easy Yoga Pose and can be done by any age group people. Even though it is not a very famous pose, but many yogis do it for Physical fitness, Emotional Balance and Spiritual upliftment.  Let us see Health Benefits of Simhasana. Health Benefits of Simhasana ·          This pose encourages Independence, self reliance and makes us sufficiently powerful. ·          Simhasana controls stress and tension in our system. Stress, anxiety, fear can clot our heart chambers. Practice of Simhasana frees our soul. ·          Simhasana activates major bandhas or locks viz Moola, Jalandhara and Uddiyana. ·          This pose lifts up our face and firms the th...

Padmasana or Lotus Pose – How to do and its Benefits

Padmasana or Lotus Pose Padmasana or Lotus Position is a cross-legged sitting asana originating in meditative practices of ancient India. People, who are suffering from stiff legs, knees, ankles etc., can overcome this discomfort by regular practice combined with patience and perseverance. How to do Padmasana (Lotus Pose) ·           In Padmasana we have to place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh. ·           Position of heels is adjusted so that they are both pressing on the nearest part of the abdomen. ·           Hands are kept open and resting on the knees. ·           Keep palms in the air with tips of the index finger touching the thumb forming a small circle called Jnana Mudra. Index finger represents the individual soul and the thumb represents univ...

Benefits and Uses of Neem or Margosa

Benefits and Uses of Neem or Margosa Image Credit:  Thendral Muthusami  at  English Wikipedia Neem  or Indian lilac or  Azadirachta indica , is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae. It is native to Indian subcontinent. Neem oil is made from fruits and seeds of Neem. Here are many benefits and uses of Neem or Margosa. Benefits and Uses of Neem or Margosa Benefits of Neem ·          Neem is antiseptic in nature. It has cool and soothing effect. It is blood and air purifier too. ·          It helps in removing digestive problems, cough, cold, fever and other physical ailments. ·          Its rind, leaves, wood, flowers, fruits have great medicinal and therapeutic properties. ·          Margosa has contributed in manufacture of various Ayurvedic, Unani and Allopathic drugs. · ...