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Nature Cure – Daily Menu for Health

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Nature Cure – Daily Menu for Health
Nature Cure – Daily Menu for Health

Nature Cure – Daily Menu for Health

Upon arising a glass of lukewarm water mixed with juice of half a lime and a teaspoon of honey can be taken. Alternately have a glass of freshly squeezed juice of any available seasonal fruit such as apple, pineapple, orange, sweet lime and grapes.

For Breakfast have any fresh fruits such as apple, orange, banana, grapes or any seasonal fruits available ,cup of butter milk/unpasteurised milk and a handful of raw nuts/a couple of tablespoons of sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

For Mid-Morning Snack, have one apple or banana or any other fruit.

For Lunch have a bowl of freshly prepared steamed vegetables using salt, vegetable oil and butter for seasoning, one or two slices of whole grain bread/chapatis and a glass of buttermilk.

For Mid-Afternoon have a glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice or any available fruit.

For Dinner - Have a large bowl of fresh salad having green vegetables such as tomatoes, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, red beet with lime juice dressing, any sprouts available such as alfaalfa seeds and mung beans, a warm vegetable course, if preferred, one tablespoon of fresh butter, cottage cheese or glass of butter milk.

The above menu is general outline. An individual diet can be built around it. It can be modified and changed to adopt to specific conditions and requirements. Menu for lunch and dinner can be interchanged.

Liquids should not be taken with meals. Water should be taken half an hour or an hour after meals. Milk, butter-milk and vegetable soups are foods and can be taken with meals.

Diet plays a vital role in maintenance of good health and in prevention, cure of disease. As per one of best known nutritionists, Sir Robert McCarrison “The right kind of food is most important single factor in promotion of health and wrong kind of food is most important single factor in promotion of disease.”

Eat Healthy Food, chew food properly, eat in small portions, avoid junk food (Burgers, Pizza etc), cold drinks.  Do regular exercise daily or 3-4 times a week.

Daily Exercise

·         Walking or Jogging – 20 minutes
·         Bhastrika Pranayama – 5 minutes
·         Kapalbhati Pranayama – 5 minutes
·         AnulomVilom Pranayama – 5 minutes
·         BrahmariPranayama – 5 minutes
·         OMchanting – 5 minutes


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