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OM Chanting – How to do, Benefits

OM Chanting – How to do, Benefits
OM Chanting – How to do, Benefits
Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

OM Chanting – How to do, Benefits

OM chanting can make your body and mind healthy, if it is done correctly. OM is made from three words ‘A’, ‘U’, ‘M’.
In Indian religion, OM or AUM is a sacred sound and spiritual symbol. It signifies essence of ultimate reality, consciousness. OM is chanted before or after spiritual recitation or mantra in Hinduism, Buddhism or Jainism. OM chanting is done after Yoga practice also. Images of OM are found in ancient and medieval era temples, manuscripts, monasteries and spiritual retreats. OM is also referred as Onkara, Omkara and Pranava.
Taking a deep breath and chanting ‘A’, effects our stomach.
Taking a deep breath and chanting ‘U’, effects our lungs, heart, thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Taking a deep breath and chanting ‘M’, effects our brain and mind.
‘A’ for stomach, ‘U’ for chest and ‘M’ for brain and mind.
Let us see how to do OM chanting and OM chanting benefits.

How to do OM chanting


·         Sit in a comfortable crossed legged position.
·         Keep your spine and neck straight.
·         Close your eyes.
·         Take a deep breath in. Open your mouth and chant ‘AAAA’. Close your mouth. Do this for 3-5 times.
·         Take a deep breath in. Open your mouth and chant ‘UUU’. Close your mouth. Do this for 3-5 times.
·         Similarly take a deep breath in and chant ‘MMM’ with mouth closed. Do this for 3-5 times.
·         Now let us chant all together OM. Take a full deep breath in. Open your mouth and chant ‘AAAA’ then ‘UUUU’. Close your mouth and chant ‘MMMM’ (humming sound). Do this 3-5 times. It can be done more times also, as per stamina.
·         Sit quietly for some time.
·         Rub your hands and touch the face, and whole body. By doing this energy produced is transferred to whole body.
·         Do this OM chanting for 5 minutes in morning or at night before going to bed.

Benefits of OM Chanting

·         By regular OM chanting daily, our mind becomes quiet. Our body feels light by regular OM chanting.
·         It is a good meditation and gives deep relaxation.
·         It is good for stomach, chest and brain.
·         It is helpful to balance whole energy in body. It helps to open the chakras.
·         Our positivity increases. Our aura becomes more positive. OM chanting purifies environment around us. It creates positive vibrations. People around also feel positive vibrations.
·          Our concentration increases by OM chanting.
·         Immunity and self-healing power increases by OM chanting.
·         OM chanting vibrations and sound are felt through vocal cords and sinuses. They open sinuses to clear airways.
·         Our mind and body will relax, and blood pressure will decrease. Rhythm of our heartbeat will become regular.
·         Our voice improves, vocal cords and muscles around it become strong by OM chanting.
·         After OM chanting, rub your hands and put these charged hands on different parts of body. It heals and activates those body parts.
·         Regular OM chanting gives a better control over our emotions. Our mind becomes rational and clear. We start to see situations clearly.
·         Regular OM Chanting gives us positive energy and cleans our energy field. This affects our body also. We get a glow on our face and body.
·         Vibrations of ‘Aaaa’ sound strengthens our spinal cord and supporting muscles around it.


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