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Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath – How to do, Benefits, Precautions

Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath
Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath

Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath – How to do, Benefits, Precautions

In India Black Bee is called as Brahmari. Pranayam means control of breath. In this breathing technique, we have to produce a bee like humming sound. Hence it is named as Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath.
Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath helps to calm down the mind. It is one of best breathing exercise to free our mind from agitation, frustration, anxiety and anger to a great extent. It is also useful to cure sleep disorders. People who cannot sleep at night can do Brahmari Pranayama before going to bed for a restful sleep.
Brahmari Pranayam or Humming Bee Breath helps to calm nerves and soothes them especially around brain and forehead. Vibrations of humming sound have a calming effect on mind and body.

How to do Brahmari Pranayam or Humming Bee Breath

·         Sit in a quiet, well ventilated room with eyes closed. Sit on yoga mat or thick bedsheet or blanket. Spine and neck should be comfortably straight.
·         Keep index fingers on cartilage between ears and cheek.
·         Take a deep breath in. Keep your mouth closed. Now as you exhale make loud humming bee sound. Keep pressing the cartilage in and out. Alternately you can keep it pressed in only. For better results produce a loud pitched humming sound. But if you cannot then produce a low-pitched sound. Brahmari Pranayam can be done in Shanmukhi Mudra also.
·         Breathe in again. Repeat same process 3-4 times. It can be practiced up to 5, 11 or 21 times also as per stamina.

Variation in Brahmari Pranayam or Humming Bee Breath

·         Brahmari Pranayam can be down lying down on back or lying on right side. Just make humming sound without worrying about keeping index finger on ear. It can be done 3-4 times a day or more.
·         It can also be done in office or other place at low pitch humming sound to de-stress


 Benefits of Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath

·         Practice of this pranayama gives instant relief from tension, anger and anxiety.
·         It is very effective breathing exercise for people who suffer from hypertension. It calms down agitated mind.
·         It reduces migraines.
·         It helps to improve concentration and memory.
·         It builds confidence.
·         It helps in reducing blood pressure.
·         It gives relief, if you are feeling hot or have slight headache.
·         It can be done as preparation prior to meditation as it calms mind.
·         It induces sound sleep.
·         It strengthens and improves voice.

Precautions while doing Brahmari Pranayama or Humming Bee Breath

·         While doing this pranayama press ear cartilage gently. Do not press too hard. Put index finger on cartilage not inside ear.
·         Mouth should be closed while performing this pranayama.
·         Stay relaxed, do not put pressure on face.


There no contraindications for Brahmari Pranayam. It can be done by anyone from children to elderly people. But it should be done correctly. Learn it from a Yoga Teacher. It should be done on an empty stomach.

Also Read :  Benefits of WalkingBhastrika Pranayama , Kapalbhati Pranayama , AnulomVilom Pranayama , OM Chanting 


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