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Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Honeydew Melon Juice

Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Honeydew Melon Juice
Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Honeydew Melon Juice

Image by BlackRiv from Pixabay

Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Honeydew Melon Juice

Honeydew melon is also known as honeymelon. This fruit has a round to slightly oval shape. It is typically 15-22cm long. Honeymelon weight ranges from 1.8 to 3.6 kg.  It originates from Algeria.
Honeydew has seeds. Its inner flesh is eaten as dessert. Its flesh is usually pale green in color. The peel ranges from greenish to yellow. This is a most commonly found fruits in supermarkets across the world.
Honeydew Melon Juice can be a refreshing drink for summers. It is low in calories and also has Vitamins like B and C. It also contains minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc. It can satisfy sweet cravings also as they are sweet.

Health Benefits of Honeydew Melon Juice

Fights Cholesterol

Honeydew melon has high soluble fibre content. It helps reduce high cholesterol levels. Bad cholesterol or LDL cholesterol caused by plaque is flushed out of the system by soluble fiber.

Strengthens Bones and Teeth

Honedew Melon is rich in calcium. It helps to strengthen and develop healthy bones, teeth.

Helps to Hydrate Body

Honeydew melon is made up of 90% water and is a great thirst quencher. It is best alternative to mineral water. It stores water in its flesh. Its juice extract can supply our body with essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

Good for Digestion

This fruit has insoluble fiber which aids in digestion. A glass of honeydew melon juice can cure constipation and bloating immediately.
It also strengthens kidneys by flushing out toxins efficiently.

Good for Hypertension

Juice made from Honeydew Melon can reduce elevated blood pressure. Honeydew Melon is sweet and sour. It is a good alternative to salt. It contains potassium which helps to fight hypertension.

Immunity Booster

As per studies a single glass of honeydew melon juice contains 34% of the vitamin C requirement of the body.  Vitamin C plays an important role in strengthening and boosting the immune system.

Good for Pregnant Women

Honeydew Melon juice contains all essential minerals and vitamins required for the development of a healthy fetus.
This juice relieves other common problems of pregnancy such as indigestion and gas.

Good for Nourishment of Skin

Honeydew melon is good for skin. It contains vitamin C which improves collagen levels.
Collagen is a protein in the human body, found in the bones, muscles, skin and tendons. It helps to fight the effects of aging like wrinkles and sagging of the skin.

Promotes Healthy Eyes and Vision

Drinking Honeydew melon juice improves vision and reduces the risk of cataract and eye infections. It contains lutein and zeaxanthin phytonutrients required for healthy eyes.

Works as Diuretic

Honeydew Melon juice is a natural diuretic and helps fight water retention by flushing out toxins and salts.
People suffering from diabetes can have this juice every day to avoid fluid retention in their bodies.

Supports Weight Loss

People wanting to lose weight can drink a glass of honeydew melon juice every day. It is regarded as a natural colon cleanser. It helps to maintain a healthy colon.

Tips to buy Honeydew Melon

Buy Honeydew Melon fruit which has a creamy white or pale texture. A ripe fruit will have good aroma. Even if it is not ripe keeping it at room temperature for a couple of days will make it ripe.


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