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Healthy Food - Health Benefits of Saffron

Health Benefits of Saffron
Health Benefits of Saffron

Image by hodihu from Pixabay 

Healthy Food - Health Benefits of Saffron

Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world. The flower of plant is purple and possesses honey-like fragrance. Saffron is derived from flower of Crocus Sativus.

Saffron is grown in many parts of India, Iran, Italy and Spain. It is referred everywhere with different names. Saffron has been cultivated in the world for more than 3500 years. It has been used in baths as cosmetic, healing gastrointestinal issues and as deodorizer.

1.       Saffron is rich in manganese which helps regulate blood sugar and helpful in formation of bones, tissues and sex hormones. It contains vitamin C which fights infections and helps to absorb iron.
2.       As per Hippocrates (regarded as father of medicine) it can help to treat cold, coughs, stomach issues, uterine bleeding, flatulence and even heart trouble.
3.       Milk with Saffron can solve digestion issues and improve appetite. Saffron milk can improve immunity. If saffron milk is taken before sleep, it can help to resolve sleep problems.
4.       Oil made from Saffron can help to increase skin glow.
5.       Saffron helps to fight hepatic, prostate and skin cancer. Crocin compound found in Saffron prevents growth of colon cancer cells.
6.       One of Italian study showed that crocetin in saffron can improve cerebral oxygenation, thus making arthritis treatment easier. Elderly Patients with liver, kidney or bone marrow disorders, pregnant women must not use saffron.
7.       Saffron helps improve Vision. As per a Spanish study natural compounds in saffron help prevent vision loss and retinal degeneration.
8.       As per certain studies Saffron can cure sleep disorders and treat depression also.
9.       Saffron can help to boost brain health. It can improve learning ability and improve memory. As per one study 30 mg of saffron taken daily showed improvement in Alzheimer’s disease which destroys memory and other important mental functions. In certain studies Saffron has helped to improve mood. It has also been tried to treat schizophrenic patients.
10.   Saffron can increase production of neurotransmitter like dopamine and glutamate.
11.   Saffron can also help to resolve inadequate blood supply to the brain (Cerebral Ischemia).
12.   Saffron promotes digestion, treats digestive disorders. It can help to cure peptic ulcer (A sore that develops on the lining of the oesophagus, stomach or small intestine) and ulcerative colitis (A chronic, inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation in the digestive tract.)
13.   Saffron can heal wounds, especially those caused by burns.
14.   Saffron has antioxidant properties. It helps to maintain healthy arteries and blood vessels. It improves heart health. Saffron has riboflavin which is important vitamin for heart.
15.   Saffron improves liver health as per studies. It gives protection against structural liver damages. It also helps to treat liver toxicity.
16.   Saffron can help to lighten the skin. It can help skin glow. It can also help to treat acne, blemishes and blackheads.
17.   Saffron can tone skin, improve skin texture and treat dry skin.
18.   Saffron has surprising healing properties. It can heal wounds, remove scars and spots.
19.   Saffron spice has antioxidants. They can help prevent hair loss, repair hair follicles and promote hair growth.

Saffron Pack for Skin

a.       Soak a few strings of saffron in milk for 2 hours.
b.       Apply this milk over face and neck.
c.       Wash off after few minutes.
d.       Regularly using this mixture can make skin naturally fair.

Saffron Selection and Storage

Saffron is expensive spice, so it should be purchased of a reputable brand or store only. It is available in threads or stigmas, saffron tips and saffron powder.
Saffron threads should be packaged in foil to protect from air and sunlight. Bulk saffron is sold in wooden boxes.
Good quality saffron threads are dark red in colour. Their tips are orange. Saffron threads should be hard and brittle.
Powdered saffron has a lighter colour. Good quality saffron should have a strong and fresh aroma. It should smell sweet. It should not smell stale.
Saffron threads are best and should be preferred over powdered Saffron.
Saffron should be stored in a glass jar or wrapped in a foil if the jar is transparent. It should be kept in cool, dark and dry place. The ideal storage temperature is below 68⁰F and less than 40%humidity. Saffron threads are sensitive to light. It is advisable to use saffron within 2 year of purchase as it might lose flavour with age.

Saffron for Cooking

Saffron can be used in dishes to add flavour and aroma. It can be added to garnish your recipes also. Saffron dishes like Tomato Saffron broth, Saffron Rice are prepared by people. Saffron Milk can be prepared by boiling Saffron threads in milk. Honey can be also be added for more advantages.

Precautions while taking Saffron

·         Saffron should not be taken in large amounts. It is unsafe for pregnant and breastfeeding ladies. It can lead to contradictions of uterus and even miscarriage. Consult your doctor before consuming saffron.
·         People suffering from Bipolar disorder should not consume saffron. Saffron can affect mood and trigger excitability, impulsive behaviour in people suffering from this disease.
·         Saffron should be avoided by people suffering from low blood pressure. It should also be avoided by those who are taking medicines for high blood pressure.
·         If you are heart patient consult your doctor if you want to take it to treat your heart health.
High amounts of Saffron should be avoided and taken under medical advice only. If you are suffering from any serious diseases consult your doctor and then take any spice or home remedy.

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