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Benefits of Clapping for Health

Benefits of Clapping for Health
Benefits of Clapping for Health

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay 

Benefits of Clapping for Health

We clap to applaud people for their achievements, on birthdays, religious gatherings. Clapping is a way of expressing praise and happiness also. We can use clapping as an exercise. There are benefits of clapping for health also. If you are an elderly person or cannot do any physical exercise due to any reason, you can just clap for 20-30 minutes and gain health benefits.
Let us see Benefits of Clapping for Health.

Clapping Stimulates Body Parts

Our body is network of nerves and blood vessels spread all throughout body. Our palms contain nerve and blood vessel endings. Clapping activates them to improve health of organs like kidney, digestive tract and lower back. There are 30 plus acupressure points in palms which are activated while clapping. They connect various organs including lower back, neck, kidneys, lungs, stomach etc.

Clapping Improves Overall Heart Health and Improves Blood Pressure

By regularly clapping blood circulation to various organs is improved. Clapping improves overall heart health also.

It improves asthma related problems by boosting function of nerve endings that connect these organs.

Clapping for Children

It enhances brain function, contribute to better handwriting, reduced spelling mistakes, improved concentration in children.
As per one research conducted at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) revealed a direct link between those activities and development of important skills in children and young adults, including university students.
Children who did spontaneous hand-clapping songs in the yard during break have neater handwriting, write better and make fewer spelling errors. University students said that they felt more alert and in a better mood, once they start clapping.

Clapping for Immunity Boosting

With Corona Virus spreading in whole world, everyone is looking to boost immune system.
Clapping increases white cells which are important for fighting germs and therefore reduces occurrence of frequent infections. Thus, it boosts immunity.

Clapping for Bone Health

Regular clapping can benefit bone health in cases of arthritis and associated pains.
Clapping can also reduce severe lower and middle back pains.

Clapping for Mental Health

Clapping can reduce instances of insomnia. It can also reduce mental illnesses like depression.

Clapping for Gout

Gout affects kidneys. Clapping can stop severity of gout and its progression also.

Clapping for Hair Health

Regular Clapping can improve hair health.
Clapping stimulates hand receptors that are connected to sensory fields in the brain. It leads to activation of various body systems and their associated healing response. We can clap on other parts of body also with our hands.

How to do Clapping

·         Apply some mustard oil or coconut oil before starting your clapping exercise.
·         Keep palms straight and clap them against each other. Palms and fingertips all should touch each other.
·         It is suggested to do this clapping therapy in morning hours to receive maximal benefits.

Mr Bhardwaj, who was a glaucoma patient, got back his vision by practicing clapping 30 minutes daily. He claims that heart conditions, hypertension, diabetes, depression, asthma, common cold, arthritis, headaches, insomnia and hair loss could be cured by clapping.

As per one of the research of 2011, which studied cortical effect of clapping in the human brain stated that Clapping appears to be an effective method for stimulation of the brain. It was found that clapping showed the most significant cortical activation in ROIs (Regions of interest) among three motor tasks.

Also Read: Healthy Food - Foods that Improve Immune System , Super Brain Yoga to Improve Brain Health


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