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Health Benefits of Brahmi Herb

Health Benefits of Brahmi Herb
Health Benefits of Brahmi Herb
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Health Benefits of Brahmi Herb

According to Ayurveda Brahmi is a unique herb which is regarded as a brain booster. It grows in wet soil, shallow water and marshes. Its flowers are either light purple or white with four to five petals. The whole plant can be used for medicinal purpose. It is known to give cooling energy. It has bitter and sweet taste. Let us See Health Benefits of Brahmi Herb.
1.       Brahmi herb is used as memory enhancer, health tonic and aphrodisiac (An aphrodisiac or love drug is a substance that increases libido).
2.       Brahmi is excellent for brain functions and strengthening memory. It increases long term, short term memory and retaining capacity. The leaf of brahmi has shape like cerebellum. Cerebellum helps in controlling concentration and memory.
3.       Brahmi helps to keep the mind calm. It has cooling property.
4.       It also helps to resolve sleep issues.
5.       It reduces levels of cortisol stress hormone. Thus, decreasing stress and anxiety.
6.       Bio-chemical present in Brahmi known as bacosides helps to rebuild brain tissues. It can help to ease symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
7.       Brahmi contains lots of antioxidants. Antioxidants are necessary for living a healthy life and removing free radicals. Free radicals can further mutate into cancer cells.
8.       Regular consumption of Brahmi helps in making strong the immune system.
9.       Brahmi can be a great remedy for arthritis, gout, inflammatory conditions, gastric ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.
10.   Brahmi aids in regulating blood sugar level in diabetes patients. It can also help to improve hypoglycaemia.
11.   Oil prepared from Brahmi is good for treating dry scalp. It can also prevent hair fall. Antioxidants present in Brahmi help to rejuvenate scalp and promote healthy hair. They also improve skin complexion by energizing cell regeneration and removing the toxins from body.
12.   Brahmi can deal with Hair issues like dandruff, itchiness and split ends.
13.   Tea made from fresh or dry Brahmi leaves helps to calm down and relieve stress, anxiety.
Brahmi supplements can be found in pills or powdered form in market. These supplements should be taken after consultation of doctor or health expert.


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