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Turmeric or Haldi – Benefits and its Uses

Turmeric or Haldi – Benefits and its Uses

Turmeric or Haldi - Benefits and its Uses
Turmeric or Haldi – Benefits and its Uses
Image by Cgdsro on

Let us see Turmeric or Haldi - Benfits and Uses.

Benefits of Turmeric or Haldi

Turmeric or Haldi is astringent and sour in taste. It is a beauty aid and a nourishing herb.
·         It gives natural gloss and lustre. It also imparts vigour and youthful vitality to the entire body.
·         Turmeric or Haldi is a great tonic in general.
·         It is aromatic, diuretic, expectorant, blood purifier, skin tonic, carminative, pain reliever, germicidal, anti-flatulent.
·          It is producer and enhancer of red blood corpuscles.
·         It is anti-phlegmatic, anti-bilious and eye protector.
·         It is anti-inflammatory and imparts coolness to the system.

Uses of Turmeric or Haldi

Turmeric for Bruises, Sprain and Wounds

·         Paste of Turmeric or Haldi powder applied on affected part eliminates swelling and pain in bruises.
·         Having 1 tsp. of Haldi or Turmeric powder with hot milk is also beneficial.
·         Fill the wound or cut from which blood is coming out with Turmeric Powder. It will stop bleeding and cure wound/cut.
·         Make a poultice from gram flour, Turmeric Powder mixed with mustard oil or sesame oil. Apply it on sprained portion. It increases blood circulation and gives relief.
·         Take 500 ml. water boiled with ½ tsp sendha namak (rock salt) and 1 tsp. turmeric powder. Give fomentation with cloth soaked in this water on bruised part. It eliminates pain and swelling.
·         Take one ground onion mixed with 1tsp. Turmeric Powder. Heat it in sesame oil. Tie it in a cloth. Give fomentation on bruised portion. It gives relief.
·         Apply Turmeric powder heated in ghee (clarified butter) or oil on the wound. Tie it with a bandage. It helps in quick healing of wound.
·         Dusting Turmeric Powder on affected area or wound is also useful.

Turmeric for Skin Problems

White Spots

Apply paste of Turmeric rubbed on stone with water on affected parts.

Skin Eruptions

·         Apply paste of Turmeric and Sesame oil on body. It prevents skin eruptions.
·         To prevent against skin problems, apply turmeric powder or paste on the body before bath. It is also a depilatory (used to remove hair from skin)


·         To cure Urticaria, take ¼ tsp. turmeric powder with ½ tsp. rock sugar (mishri) or honey twice a day.
·         Have roasted Turmeric with jaggery (gur). It cures itching.


·         Suck a tablet of ground turmeric with honey for 10-15 days. It cures eczema.


·         Place cotton dipped in Turmeric oil over pustules. It gives relief.

Freckles, Spots

·         Apply Turmeric rubbed on stone with water. It helps to eliminate Freckles, Spots.
·         Mix ground turmeric with milk of banyan or peepal. Soak it overnight. Massage face with this mixture 1 hour before bath. It eliminates freckles on face and imparts natural glow.

Cough & Cold, Asthma

·         Take Turmeric powder and little salt with hot water.
·         Suck a small piece of turmeric or lick ¼ tsp. turmeric with honey. It gives relief in cough and eliminates congestion of bronchi.
·         Take ¼ tsp. of Turmeric with hot milk. It helps in checking running nose.
·         Inhale smoke of burnt turmeric. It throws out trapped phlegm.
·         Roast Turmeric in hot sand and then ground. Take ¼ tsp. powder with hot water. It relieves breathing problem.
·         Boil turmeric in milk and sweeten it with jaggery. Having it is useful in cold and asthma.
·         Suck a piece of turmeric (like lemon drops) by keeping it in mouth at night. It cures chronic cold.
·         Take little turmeric powder, ground black pepper. Mix it with ghee (clarified butter). Massage throat and chest with this preparation. It cures irritation in bronchial chords.
·         Give a pinch of turmeric powder with milk to children. It gives quick relief.
·         Inhale smoke of cow dung cake with turmeric sprinkled on it. It helps to release trapped phlegm.
·         3-4 gulps of warm water with ¼ tsp. of turmeric powder acts as preventive measure against attack of asthma.

Whooping Cough

·         Take ¼ tsp. of roasted turmeric powder with two spoons of honey 3 or 4 times a day. It gives relief in cough.
·         Having paan (betel leaf) with little piece of turmeric in it is useful.

Indigestion and Stomach Problems

·         In equal quantity, take Turmeric Powder and salt with warm water. It gives instant relief in acidity.
·         Grind Turmeric 4 gms, Sonth (Dried Ginger Powder) 4 gms, Kali Mirch (Black Pepper) 2 gms and Elaichi (Cardamom) 2 gms. Take 1 tsp of this powder after meals. It helps in digestion, eliminates wind and stomach ailments.
·         To cure digestive problems, take curd or whey with turmeric powder after lunch.

Sore Throat

·         Have Turmeric Powder mixed with honey 2-3 times a day to cures soreness.


·         Make a paste from 10 gms. turmeric powder roasted in mustard oil. Do fomentation with it and then tie it around neck. It gives quick relief in tonsils.

Blisters in Mouth

Boil little Turmeric Powder in water. Gargle with this water twice a day. It cures blisters in mouth.

Urinary Troubles

Take paste or juice of raw turmeric and honey with goat’s milk twice a day. It cures all urinary problems.


Make a paste of ¼ tsp. turmeric powder and ¼ tsp. Vai vidanga choorna. Have it with 1 tsp. of honey for 7-8 days. It kills worms and throws them out.

Pregnancy and Postnatal Care

·         Take ½ tsp. roasted Turmeric Powder with Jaggery after delivery. It eliminates weakness and cures uterus swelling.
·         Take ¼ tsp. of Turmeric with hot milk in latter part of the 9th month of pregnancy helps in smooth delivery.
·         Take 5-10 gms of turmeric powder with water during menses. It is anti-pregnancy dose for ladies.

Pain in Breasts

·         Apply paste of Turmeric on affected parts. It eliminates pain.


Make laddus with mix of ½ kg. roasted ground Turmeric, one finely grated dried coconut, 1 kg. jaggery, 200 gms cashew nuts or ground nuts. Have it daily in morning with Tulsi (Holy Basil) or Lemon Tea. It makes joints flexible, gives relief in pain and swelling.

Pain in Ribs

·         Apply paste of Turmeric Powder mixed in hot water on aching ribs. It gives relief.
·         Massage ribs with Turmeric Oil.
·         Massage ribs with paste of Turmeric Powder in milk of Aak or Madar or Calotropis gigantea plant. It gives quick relief.


·         Take Turmeric Powder with sugar twice a day for some time. It checks Leucorrhoea.
·         Take 10 gms. Turmeric boiled in 100 ml water. Wash private parts with this water. Also take one Batasha with 8-10 drops of milk of Banyan tree before sunrise for 7 days. It helps in early cure.

Debility in Males

·         Take about 7-8 gms of raw ground Turmeric and equal amount of honey with goat’s milk preferably. It cures debility in males.

Dental Problems

·         Boil 5 gms. Turmeric Powder, 2 cloves and 2 dried leaves of guava in 200 ml. water. Rinse mouth with this water. It gives instant relief.
·         Apply and rub teeth with paste of turmeric powder, salt and mustard oil. It strengthens gums.
·         Massage aching teeth with roasted ground Turmeric. It eliminates pain and swelling.
·         Keep piece of roasted Turmeric near aching tooth. Let saliva ooze out.
·         Fill cavity in teeth with roasted ground turmeric powder. It gives relief from pain.

Ear Problem

·         Roast 2 piece of Turmeric in mustard oil. Put one or two drops in ear. Clean it with ear bud. It cures ear problems.

Eye Problems

·         Dip cloth in solution of Turmeric Powder and water. It is employed as an eye shade.
·         Take ¼ tsp. of turmeric powder. Boil in 500 ml water till 125 ml water is left. Let it cool and strain it through a fine cloth. Drop this water on eyes twice a day. Put cotton soaked in water on eyelids. It relieves pain, redness, irritation and itching in eyes.
·         Heat a bit, paste of piece of Turmeric rubbed on stone. Apply on eyelids. It eliminates pain, swelling and eye troubles.
·         For Conjunctivitis, a decoction of Turmeric Powder with water on eyes is useful as cooling lotion.


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