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Showing posts from February, 2020

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose – How to do, Benefits, Contraindications

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose  Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose – Steps, Benefits, Contraindications Adho means forward, Mukha means Face, Svana means Dog and Asana means Pose. This pose replicates a dog bending forward. Hence it is called as downward facing dog pose. It is an inversion pose. It is one of poses in Surya Namaskar. It should be included in daily part of yoga practice. It can be practiced by beginner too. How to do Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose ·          Warm up calves and arms properly before performing this pose. ·          Come onto fours and form a table position. Back will form top of table. Hands and feet will form legs of table. ·          Breathe out and lift hips up. Straighten knees and elbows. Form an inverted V-shape with body. ·      ...

Health Benefits of Jaggery

Health Benefits of Jaggery Health Benefits of Jaggery Image Credit   Giridhar Appaji Nag Y / CC BY Jaggery or Gur is made from unrefined sugar. So, it is healthier and better than white sugar. It keeps body warm and is also good for digestion. It is great for issues related to respiratory tract. Jaggery is made from sugarcane. It is also called as unrefined sugar. It is prepared without separation of molasses and crystals. It is mostly produced in India and Africa. Sugarcane goes through three processes called extraction, clarification and concentration to make jaggery. Its colour ranges from golden brown to dark brown. Jaggery is also made with date palm. It also known as nolen gur or patali gur. It is popular in eastern part of India especially West Bengal. Winter is season of fresh jaggery. Benefits of Jaggery Jaggery Prevents Constipation Good digestion is key to overall health. A small piece of jaggery after lunch can stimulate digestion. Ja...

Triangle Pose or Trikonasana – How to do, Benefits, Contraindications

Triangle Pose or Trikonasana – Steps, Benefits, Contraindications Trikona means ‘Triangle’ and ‘Asana’ means pose. In Trikonasana or Triangle Pose, we try to form the shape of body like a triangle. Let us see Triangle Pose or Trikonasana - Steps, Benefits,Contraindications. Trikonasana or Triangle Pose has four variations: ·          Extended Triangle Pose or Utthita Trikonasana ·          Bounded Triangle Pose or Baddha Trikonasana ·          Revolved Triangle Pose or Parivrtta Trikonasana ·          Reclining Triangle Pose or Supta Trikonasana Today we will see Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana). In this asana we have to keep our eyes open, so that body balance is maintained. Parivrtta Trikonasana or Revolved Triangle Pose Left Side Parivrtta Trikonasana or Revolved Triangle Pose...

Naukasana or Boat Pose – How to do, Benefits and Contraindications

Naukasana or Boat Pose Naukasana or Boat Pose – Steps, Benefits, Contraindications Naukasana or Boat Pose is beneficial for mental health and overall health too. It helps to de-stress and rejuvenate. In Sanskrit ‘Nauka’ means boat and ‘Asana’ means posture. In this pose our body takes shape of a boat. It helps to reduce belly fat as well as tone abs. Naukasana or Boat Pose can be done both lying on stomach or back (supine position). With practice both ways can be performed. Let us see Naukasana or Boat Pose -  Steps, Benefits, Contraindications. How to do Naukasana or Boat Pose ·          Lie down on a yoga mat with feet together and arms on sides. ·          Inhale. Lift chest and feet off ground. Stretch arms towards feet. Feel stretch in stomach area as abdominal muscles contract. ·          Weight of body should rest entirely on buttocks...

Turmeric or Haldi – Benefits and its Uses

Turmeric or Haldi – Benefits and its Uses Turmeric or Haldi – Benefits and its Uses Image by Cgdsro on Let us see Turmeric or Haldi - Benfits and Uses. Benefits of Turmeric or Haldi Turmeric or Haldi is astringent and sour in taste. It is a beauty aid and a nourishing herb. ·          It gives natural gloss and lustre. It also imparts vigour and youthful vitality to the entire body. ·          Turmeric or Haldi is a great tonic in general. ·          It is aromatic, diuretic, expectorant, blood purifier, skin tonic, carminative, pain reliever, germicidal, anti-flatulent. ·            It is producer and enhancer of red blood corpuscles. ·          It is anti-phlegmatic, anti-bilious and eye protector. ·       ...

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose - How to do, its Benefits

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose Step 1 Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose Step 2 Bhujangasana is part of the Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar. Bhujang means Cobra and Asana means Posture. So it is called as Bhujangasana. This pose resembles a serpent with its hood raised. How to do Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose Lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor. Forehead should be resting on the ground. Keep your legs close together. Feet and heels lightly touch each other. Place your hands (palms downwards) under your shoulders. Keep your elbows parallel and close to your torso. Take a deep breath in. Slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen keeping your navel on the floor. Pull your torso back and off the floor with support of your hands. Keep breathing with awareness. Try to straighten your arms by arching your back as much as possible. Tilt your head back and look up. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Bend your elbows if required. With regular practice you can deepen the st...

Breathing Exercise for Stress and Anxiety

Breathing Exercise for Stress and Anxiety A deep breathing exercise can help to cope up with stress and anxiety which is prevailing now in daily life situations also. Taking deep breaths can help us to say calm and relaxed in stressful situations. What is Stress Stress is our body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. One can experience stress from environment, body and thoughts. Our body reacts to these changes with physical, mental and emotional responses. It is a feeling generated when we are overloaded and struggling to cope with demands like finances, work, relationship and other situations. It can be a motivator. But it can lessen a person’s mental and physical health and become harmful, if it is triggered too easily. What is Anxiety Anxiety is intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Fast heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating and feeling tired may occur due to anxiety. Let us see some Deep Breathing...