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What is Meditation ? How do to Meditation ?

Image by  Okan Caliskan  from  Pixabay   What is Meditation ? Meditation is a technique where one tries to become calm, relaxed, focused and attentive. We can be aware of emotions and change them to positive ones by doing Meditation. It is a technique to be aware of our thoughts and changing them to positive ones. Meditation is remembering Almighty Supreme Soul. When we remember him, we start becoming like him because we get his powers and virtues. So we become Divine again. We are Souls. How to do Meditation ? There are different varieties of ways people do meditation. Some people do meditation by concentrating on a particular object or image of some Deity.  Many do it by just sitting and focusing on incoming and outgoing breath. Even it is done by counting incoming and outgoing breath. Inhale 1 and exhale 2 . Inhale 3 and Exhale 4.Count till 30 like this. Relax for few seconds Start again. OM Chanting is also very famous meditation practice. Deep Breathing exe...

How to do Positive Self Talk ?

Image by  ShonEjai  from  Pixabay   How to do Positive Self Talk Positive Self Talk is very important these days. In these times when people are insecure about their future, we need to motivate ourselves by talking positively to our own self. We tell others to think positive. But we do not talk positively to our own self. When things are not going our way, we tend to become doubtful about our own decisions. We just start saying to ourselves, it will not work. I cannot do it. We talk so many negative sentences to our own self. So what should we do ? How can we break this negative thinking pattern. Only way to stop this negative thinking pattern is by just talking positive to our own self. Talking positive to our own self ? How does that happen ? How can we talk to our own self ? Yes, we can motivate ourselves by talking positive to our own self. We can say it will work. It needs some more patience. It is possible. Let me try once more. We can easily break the negative...

Health Benefits of Rock Salt or Sendha Namak

Health Benefits of Rock Salt or Sendha Namak Image Credit: Health Benefits of Rock Salt or Sendha Namak Rock Salt is purest form of salt unprocessed and raw. It is free of environmental pollutants and chemical components. It contains 84 out of 92 trace elements required by body including potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper etc. According to Ayurveda It is a superior salt. In Hindi Rock Salt is also known as Sendha Namak. It is highly crystalline salt. It is made by evaporating sea water and does not contain high amounts of sodium chloride like table salt. Rock salt eases cellular absorption of minerals. It plays a vital role in replenishing body’s electrolytes and maintaining pH balance. It is used in fasting ritual during a festival called Navratri in India. According to Ayurveda, in comparison to other salt, Rock Salt is cooling and balances pitta. It’s mildness and diverse mineral content helps to minimize possible hazards o...

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water Image by  Sasin Tipchai   from   Pixabay   Benefits of Drinking Warm Water Drinking Water is good for digestion, it can avoid migraines, it is good for skin care. Water can fix lot of health issues. As per ancient and modern science, temperature of water for consumption is important. Ayurveda and ancient Chinese medicine also recommend drinking warm water. Let us now see the Benefits of Drinking Warm Water. Ayurveda suggests drinking a cup of warm water along with meals. In China or Japan meals are taken along with warm tea. This tea is made from hot cup of water along with some green tea leaves or some other leaf tea. People in Japan follow water care ritual in which they drink 4 glasses of water after waking up. They drink water even before brushing teeth. Prevents Constipation Having warm water is good for internal cleansing. It improves bowel movement and prevents constipation. Good for Skin Glow By d...

Health Benefits of Brahmi Herb

Health Benefits of Brahmi Herb Image Source: Health Benefits of Brahmi Herb According to Ayurveda Brahmi is a unique herb which is regarded as a brain booster. It grows in wet soil, shallow water and marshes. Its flowers are either light purple or white with four to five petals. The whole plant can be used for medicinal purpose. It is known to give cooling energy. It has bitter and sweet taste. Let us See Health Benefits of Brahmi Herb. 1.        Brahmi herb is used as memory enhancer, health tonic and aphrodisiac ( An  aphrodisiac  or love drug is a substance that increases libido). 2.        Brahmi is excellent for brain functions and strengthening memory. It increases long term, short term memory and retaining capacity. The leaf of brahmi has shape like cerebellum. Cerebellum helps in controlling concentration and memory. 3.        Brahmi he...

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

Image Credit : In Sankrit Aswagandha means “smell of horse”. A person who will take this herb will gain strength of a horse. It is a shrub with red fruit and yellow flowers. It is original to India, North Africa and the Middle East. It is also called as Withania Sonifera (in Latin), Indian Ginseng or Winter Cherry. Let us see Health Benefits of Ashwagandha. Health Benefits of Ashwagandha 1.        Ashwagandha can help reduce physical and mental stress. It can aid to overcome depression. When consumed it can stop high levels of stress hormone named ‘cortisol’. 2.        Ashwagandha fresh leaves were used to heal joint pains, skin sores and reduce swelling. It can be utilized to heal wounds. 3.        Ashwagandha is a natural adaptogen. Hence it can aid relaxation. 4.        Ashwagandha is renowned to improve energy, en...

Healthy Food - Health Benefits of Saffron

Health Benefits of Saffron Image by  hodihu  from  Pixabay   Healthy Food - Health Benefits of Saffron Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world. The flower of plant is purple and possesses honey-like fragrance. Saffron is derived from flower of Crocus Sativus. Saffron is grown in many parts of India, Iran, Italy and Spain. It is referred everywhere with different names. Saffron has been cultivated in the world for more than 3500 years. It has been used in baths as cosmetic, healing gastrointestinal issues and as deodorizer. 1.        Saffron is rich in manganese which helps regulate blood sugar and helpful in formation of bones, tissues and sex hormones. It contains vitamin C which fights infections and helps to absorb iron. 2.        As per Hippocrates (regarded as father of medicine) it can help to treat cold, coughs, stomach issues, uterine bleeding, flatulence ...