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What is Meditation ? How do to Meditation ?

What is Meditation?  How do to Meditation ?

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay 

What is Meditation ?

Meditation is a technique where one tries to become calm, relaxed, focused and attentive. We can be aware of emotions and change them to positive ones by doing Meditation. It is a technique to be aware of our thoughts and changing them to positive ones.

Meditation is remembering Almighty Supreme Soul. When we remember him, we start becoming like him because we get his powers and virtues. So we become Divine again.

We are Souls.

How to do Meditation ?

There are different varieties of ways people do meditation.

  • Some people do meditation by concentrating on a particular object or image of some Deity. 
  • Many do it by just sitting and focusing on incoming and outgoing breath. Even it is done by counting incoming and outgoing breath. Inhale 1 and exhale 2 . Inhale 3 and Exhale 4.Count till 30 like this. Relax for few seconds Start again.
  • OM Chanting is also very famous meditation practice.
  • Deep Breathing exercise is also done like a Deep Breathing Meditation to relax and calm racing thoughts. Inhale through nose for a count of 4. Now exhale through mouth for count of 8. Continue this for 2-3 minutes or more.
  • Reciting some mantra is also a meditation technique. Chant 'Om Namah Shivaya' for 5-10 minutes or more.
  • Just observe your thoughts. Sit quietly and watch what is going on in your mind. It is also a form of observation meditation.
  • Body Scanning Meditation is a technique where we focus on different parts of body from feet to head and head to feet. Say my feet are relaxed, my legs are relaxed, knees are relaxed and so on. In the end say my whole body is relaxed.
  • In some Meditations, we just dance on a soft and gentle music. It is called as dancing meditation.
  • One of meditation by Osho is called as Dynamic meditation. In this meditation we just breathe in and breathe out forcefully for 5 minutes. In next stage, we just shout, cry or laugh and we do whatever we feel like doing. In third stage we just be wherever we are and observe our ourselves. Observe what is going inside like breath, thoughts. In the last stage, we just dance and say thanks to God.
  • Some people Meditate by lying down. Keep hands on stomach. Take a deep breath in and see our stomach coming up. Breathe in for 4 seconds. Hold for 4 seconds. Breathe out for 8 seconds. While breathing out, we observe our stomach going in to normal position. Just doing it for 5 minutes regularly keeps us relaxed. We can also play some soft music along with it.

How to do Rajyoga Meditation

In Rajyoga Mediation by . We visualize that we are point of energy and light situated at center of forehead i.e. I am a soul. We connect with Supreme Soul, Shiv or Shivbaba and take powers from him of Purity, Peace, Love, Happiness, Bliss, Will Power. 

We are souls residing in this body. Our Father, Supreme Soul, Shivbaba is Ocean of Purity, Peace, Love, Happiness, Bliss and all virtues. We are residents of Soul World which is called as Paramdham or Shantidham. 

We mentally leave this body and go to paramdham which is located far away from stars, sun, moon. It is a red golden light world. I come in front of Supreme Soul Shivbaba. We think and feel that God's energy and Powers are falling on me. I am getting filled with Purity, Peace, Love, Happiness and Bliss. 

After filling myself with these powers, I radiate these powers to this globe and this nature or atmosphere or Prakruti. By regular practice like this, I improve myself, other souls and also this world. So I am serving everyone. 

We also give good wishes to others that all should be Healthy, Safe and Protected with God's Powers and Blessings. If we find anyone in difficulty or trouble, we give blessings and good wishes to them that all their problems are resolved and all their positive wishes and desires should be fulfilled. 

In these pandemic times, we can wish good Health, Wealth and Happiness for everyone on this planet. We wish that this planet is always safe and all is well always.

We can just sit quietly with ourselves and create positive thoughts like I am Peaceful Being, I am Positive Being, I am Healthy Being, I am Pure Being, I am Loving Being, I am Humble Being, I am Kind Being, I am Generous Being. We can create positive thoughts about whatever we want to improve upon. We should say whatever we want and not what we do not want. If I want to be more Loving, then we can affirm I am becoming more and more loving and understanding by each passing day.

By doing above Meditations, we can become better persons and better human being. Yes, we have to be persistent and consistent. We have to keep patience, with our practice. It might take time as it is journey. We can take help of Almighty God, in all walks of life.


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