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The Key To Beautiful Relationships - Unconditional Love (Part 3)

This Article was published from Awakening with Brahmakumaris email newsletters

Whenever you want to experience joy in a relationship, learn to love with a big heart. This is something we hear commonly, but what this means is loving without any fixed boundaries of how the other person should be with me. 

In other words, we tend to create so many fixed images in our mind of the other person’s consciousness, attitude, words and actions about how they should be, that we don’t let the other person be themselves. This happens to the extent that the other person will in some cases stop expressing themselves freely. Also sometimes their personality starts going into a cover which has been created by us and they will never come out of that cover for life in some cases. 

The meaning of that is simple that the other person becomes a puppet in our hands and he or she will do everything that we demand without ever thinking that they are no longer themselves. And who is responsible for that happening? We are. We create a person based on our personality. That’s in short a karma that we become responsible for. This is called a conditional love.

On the other hand, a love that is unconditional wants the other person, whom you love, to be themselves and a different person from them with their own personality, their own special strengths, skills and qualities. 

This happens in such a way that these qualities and skills complement your strengths and the two of you become a beautiful pair of people who keep each other ahead. Also, at the same time you focus on your own qualities and bring them into action. This is true love. Such a love, when brought into action becomes a beautiful foundation for a happiness filled relationship. In such a relationship, two people enjoy each other’s loveful company without interfering in each other’s personal space.

(To be continued tomorrow …)  


Warm Regards,
Awakening With Brahma Kumaris



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