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Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Turmeric Milk

Benefits of Turmeric Milk Photo by  Milda Zol  from  Pexels Benefits of Turmeric Milk Turmeric has innate antibiotic properties and milk is a rich source of calcium. The inclusion of both these natural ingredients in everyday diet can prevent diseases and infections. Turmeric milk is an effective remedy to fight hazardous environmental toxins and harmful microorganisms. Respiratory Illness Turmeric milk is antimicrobial, fights bacterial infections and viral infections. It is useful in treating illnesses related to respiratory system as the spice heats up our body and provides quick relief from lung congestion and sinuses. Turmeric milk is also an effective remedy to cure asthma and bronchitis. Prevents Cancer Milk made from raw turmeric prevents and stops the growth of breast, skin, lung, prostate and colon cancers as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents the cancer cells from damaging the DNA and reduces the side effects of chemotherap...

Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Eating Curd

Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Eating Curd Image: Yogurt is made from milk. It contains nutrients like calcium, Vitamin B-12, Potassium and Magnesium. Curds are dairy products. They are obtained by coagulating milk in a process called curdling. Curd or Yogurt is light on stomach and easier to digest than milk. Incredible Health Benefits of Eating Curd Good for Digestion Yogurt or Curd is probiotic which is an ingredient that contains live bacteria. These bacteria are good to improve gut activity, soothe inflamed digestive system and treat an upset stomach. Stronger Immunity Yogurt contains live active cultures which fight disease causing germs. They also keep our gut and intestinal tract protected. A research study at the University of Vienna in Austria found that eating a 200 gms of curd was equal to immunity boosting pills. Good to get Beautiful and Healthy Skin Curd has a moisturizing effect on our skin and it heals our dry skin nat...

Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Pomegranate Image by  megspl  from  Pixabay Pomegranate is the most mentioned fruit in religious books. It has incredible health benefits for the body. They are used in baking, cooking, juice, meal garnishes, smoothies. Pomegranate has anti-oxidant, anti-viral and anti-tumor properties. It is a good source of vitamins A, C and folic acid. Pomegranate has three times more antioxidants than green tea. Health Benefits of Pomegranate It thins our blood Antioxidants present in pomegranate acts as thinner of our blood. The seeds of pomegranate prevent our blood platelets from forming clots and coagulating. There are two types of blood clots. First is one which speeds the recovery during a cut or an injury. The second one is when there is any internal clot in heart, arteries or anywhere else inside the body. Second type of clots is not good and can be fatal. Prevention of  atherosclerosis With age and type of lifes...

Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds

Healthy Food – Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds Image by  PublicDomainPictures  from  Pixabay Indian households use fennel seeds or saunf at the end of every meal to freshen the mouth. Fennel seeds are concentrated source of minerals like Copper, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc, Manganese, Vitamin C, Iron, Selenium and Magnesium. Fennel is packed with nutrients. It has lot of benefits from regulating blood pressure to water retention. Benefits of Fennel Seeds Helps Regulate Blood Pressure As per study published in the Journal of Food Science, found that chewing on fennel seeds helps increase the nitrite content in saliva making it a natural way to keep a check on blood pressure levels. Fennel seeds are very rich source of potassium. Potassium is an essential component of cells and body fluids. It helps control our heart rate and blood pressure. Reduce Water Retention Drinking fennel tea frequently helps flush out excess fluids. It works as a diuretic. Fe...

Health Benefits of Holy Basil or Tulsi and its Uses

Holy Basil or Tulsi Holy Basil or Tulsi Photo by  Priyanshu Katiyar  from  Pexels Tulsi is a sacred plant in India and throughout the world. There are wonderful medicinal and purifying qualities present in essential volatile oils in the leaves, stem and roots of Tulsi Plant. It is grown almost all over the world. In India plant of Holy Basil or Tulsi is kept in almost every house and is also worshipped. Let us see benefits of Holy Basil or Tulsi and its uses. Usually the plant of Tulsi is 1-2 ft. high. It has fragrant small oval shaped leaves, flat seeds, red in colour, flowers blossoming on inflorescence (manjari). Benefits of Holy Basil or Tulsi ·          It is mildly pungent. It works as an appetiser and helps in digestion. ·          It is useful to heart, suppresses excessive bile, cough and flatulence, removes blood impurities. ·      ...

Balasana or Child Pose for Stress and Anxiety

Balasana or Child Pose Balasana or Child Pose Step 1 Balasana or Child Pose Step 2 In Sanskrit Bal means ‘Child’ and Asana means ‘Pose’. In this asana, we have to rest like a child. So, it is named as Child Pose or Balasana. This pose stretches hips, thighs and legs. It calms the mind and relieves stress and tension. It is also called as Garbhasana or Shashankasana as the body faces the floor in foetal position. Balasana or Child Pose is a resting pose. It is a forward bending pose. It can be sequenced between more challenging asanas. Benefits of Balasana or Child Pose ·          It stretches gently lower back, hips, thighs, knees and ankles. ·          It relaxes spine, shoulders and neck. ·          It increases blood circulation to our head which may soothe headaches. ·          It stimulates di...