I expect nothing and accept everything. So I am at peace with myself and the world. I am Powerful Soul. Day by Day I am becoming more and more Peaceful, Loveful and Happy. Day by Day my self confidence is increasing, growing and expanding. Day by Day my self esteem is increasing, growing and expanding. Day by Day I am becoming more and more happier, happier and happier. Day by Day my will power is increading, growing and expanding. Day by Day I am becoming more and more loving and understanding. I am full of peace, love and happiness within and without. Day by Day I am becoming more and more wiser, wiser, wiser. I live and enjoy the present moment. Past is powerless now. I am becoming free from all comparisons and competition. I compete with myself. Day by Day I am becoming more and more brave, strong and fearless. Day by Day I am becoming better and better in all aspects of life. Day by Day my focus and concentration is increasing, growing and expanding.